A fresh start for 18f.gsa.gov. Online at beta.18f.gov. We plan to use the U.S. Web Design standards as a frontend framework.
The site is a static website with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Deployments are done through the Federalist platform.
- Federalist runs in its own organization and space in CloudFoundry
- Federalist Admin: https://federalist.18f.gov/
- Using the Federalist editor that requires GitHub Oauth and writes commits as auth'd GitHub user, changes are then passed through a webhook back to Federalist
- Federalist uses a CloudFoundry S3 service to write to the bucket, the Federalist instance only derives S3 credentials (IAM user: s3-sb-federalist.18f.gov) from the CloudFoundry S3 service and can only read/write to federalist.18f.gov/*
- Federalist responds to a webhook on GitHub and runs Jekyll to generate static web files and puts them in an S3 bucket
- We map whatever.ed.gov URL to the S3 bucket
- We'll use Cloudfront to map beta.18f.gov to an S3 endpoint
- IE 9 and above
- Federalist, and the CloudFoundry platform do not support the following HTTPS implementations:
- HTTP/2
- OSCP Stapling