
A js13k game about a dolphin finding his friends in the dark

Primary LanguageJavaScript



A small, quick game for js13k competition.

The theme of the competition is lost. This game is about a dolphin finding his lost dolphin friend in a dark ocean cave, with only echo location. To make this process a little easier for humans, the speed of sound is slowed down, so you can tell how close your are to a wall by the amount of time that passes by before the echo sound returns. The dolphin can also cry out to his friend, who will respond, and you can use the location and strength of the sound to tell how far away the friend dolphin is.


  • [w] to move forward, [s] to move back,
  • [a] and [d] rotate you,
  • [space] to make an echo sound. use this to find walls, which will hurt your health if you run into them,
  • [f] to call out to your dolphin friend, who will respond to help you.


Uses es6 code compiled to chrome and firefox with babel, modular JS code with webpack, JS code minified with uglifyes, CSS code minified with uglifycss, and HTML compiled with html-minifier.

