[Expansion Panel] ngFor not working as expected
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I'm using the expansion panel with an *ngFor loop
<mdl-expansion-panel-group #panelGroup>
<mdl-expansion-panel *ngFor="let user of users; let i = index">
The toggles now work seperately from each other. So panel 1 does not collapse panel 2 when it is expanded etc
For example
<button (click)="panelGroup.getPanel(0).toggle()">Toggle 1</button
will expand and collapse the first panel, but it does nothing with a second or third panel
please provide a plnkr that demosntrates your problem.
no input since 8 days. can be reopened if needed.
Sorry for the delay.
I think I have to refactor my code since a simple plunker works just fine
This issue can be closed indead.