Additional components for @angular-mdl/core that are not part of material design lite (npm: @angular-mdl/*)
Pinned issues
- 2
- 0
AOT compilation Error
#1384 opened by IsraelZablianov - 2
- 0
- 0
Version 10 of node.js has been released
#1329 opened by greenkeeper - 0
Select inside a Popover
#1322 opened by aliasbody - 2
Tried to implement select but display error
#1262 opened by akhilsahu - 3
- 0
Mdl-datepicker animation error
#1244 opened by Dadarkp3 - 0
mdl-textfield should have a 'focus' function to programmatically set focus to input element
#1236 opened by ctchisholm - 0
[MDL-SELECT] Allow to pass text field id
#1184 opened by tb - 0
Hide on click dont work
#1179 opened by GabrielRochaReis - 0
mdl-select blur and focus breaks autocomplete
#1173 opened by Maskl - 0
Double click on mdl-select breaks autocomplete
#1172 opened by Maskl - 2
The mdl-datepicker don't show 31 december correctly
#1169 opened by 1jGabriel - 2
Block dates before Current Date
#974 opened by Dadarkp3 - 2
Add ability to show arrow
#1069 opened by Misiu - 0
Expansion - allow select inside extended panel
#1070 opened by tb - 4
Floating label on select is not working
#833 opened by kleber-swf - 2
[MDL-SELECT]Text not showing after selection
#928 opened by Pomelool - 2
popover should include horizontal direction
#653 opened by Progdom - 3
[Bug] MdlSelectComponent. Error after view destroy
#881 opened by ggalletty - 1
mdl-select broken layout
#1059 opened by andream16 - 0
- 2
[MDL-SELECT] Drop down list is always visible
#933 opened by waiholiu - 1
mdl-select not closing when click outside- ipad
#981 opened by jaseel001 - 1
DatePicker - Ok and Cancel
#995 opened by Dadarkp3 - 0
[MDL-POPOVER] Performance issue
#978 opened by tb - 1
mdl-select error when changing select IE11
#846 opened by snimelius - 11
[BUG] MdlPopover firing TypeError on ngOnDestroy()
#912 opened by rarenal - 0
- 0
The text inside input field of mdl-select is selectable when mdl-select component is disabled
#691 opened by thaihacong - 0
Expansion Panel: mdl-expansion-panel-header-list-content width is not consistent
#708 opened by ctchisholm - 0
Select: Keyboard support for multi-select
#753 opened by ulic75 - 0
Multiple select onClose event
#796 opened by sergei97k - 1
FAB menu component
#808 opened by leojpod - 1
- 2
Unclosed Subscription memory leak
#814 opened by hotforfeature - 1
- 7
package.json moment dependency error
#787 opened by dudochkin-victor - 2
Please push up new version to NPM
#771 opened by JSMike - 0
[Expansion panel] imports NoopAnimationsModule
#700 opened by richardsengers - 1
Is it compatible with MDC-Web?
#648 opened by ziyafenn - 4
Renderer.animate is no longer supported!
#643 opened by PavlaQ - 4
- 2
Angular 4 Select is always in open mode
#624 opened - 1
yarn install deletes mdl-extensions
#593 opened by patrickmichalina - 3
Unable to install angular2-mdl-ext for Angular 2.2.4
#620 opened by mmgyce - 2
MdlExpansionPanelModule Imports BrowserModule
#617 opened by racerhere - 3