
An ASP.NET Core Web API with EF Core, Docker

Primary LanguageC#

Build Status

Running locally

  1. docker build -t studentapi .

  2. Create a network: docker network create studentapi-network

  3. Start the SQL Server container and put it in a network: docker run --net=studentapi-network -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password1!" -p 1433:1433 --name sqlserver -d microsoft/mssql-server-linux

  4. Run the API container, put it in the same network: docker run --net=studentapi-network --rm -p 5000:5000 -e "DatabaseServer=sqlserver" -e "DatabaseUserPassword=Password1!" studentapi

Helpful docker commands

List all containers: docker ps -a

Stop all containers: docker stop $(docker ps -aq)

Remove all containers: docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Deploy to ECS

The ECS CLI allows us to deploy multi container apps with docker-compose. Currently ECS only supports version 2 of the docker-compose syntax. More about the gotchas of docker-compose on the ECS CLI.


  1. Install the ECS CLI: sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-ecs-cli/ecs-cli-linux-amd64-latest sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli

  2. Configure the ECS CLI ecs-cli configure --region ap-southeast-2 --access-key AWS_ACCESS_KEY --secret-key AWS_SECRET_KEY --cluster studentapi-demo

  3. Create an ECS cluster Here we create an ECS cluster which is 1 instance of type t2.medium, note that we need to generate a key pair in EC2 dashboard which maps to EC2_KEY_PAIR_NAME here ecs-cli up --keypair EC2_KEY_PAIR_NAME --capability-iam --size 1 --instance-type t2.medium --force

  4. Create and start an ECS task Create an ECS task definition and run the containers (From a directory containing a docker-compose.yml): ecs-cli compose up

  5. List running containers (Gives you the status of the container cluster and if running the public IP) ecs-cli compose ps

Windows Install and configure the ECS CLI first. Then:

  1. aws iam --region ap-southeast-2 create-role --role-name ecsExecutionRole --assume-role-policy-document file://execution-assume-role.json

  2. aws iam --region ap-southeast-2 attach-role-policy --role-name ecsExecutionRole --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy

  3. aws logs create-log-group --log-group-name ecsDemoLogs --region ap-southeast-2

  4. ecs-cli configure profile --access-key ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret-key SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --profile-name ecsDemoProfile

  5. ecs-cli configure profile default --profile-name ecsDemoProfile

  6. ecs-cli configure --cluster studentapi-demo-cluster --default-launch-type EC2 --region ap-southeast-2 --config-name ecsDemoConfig

  7. ecs-cli up --keypair ecs-demo --capability-iam --size 1 --instance-type t2.medium --force

  8. ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.yml up --cluster studentapi-demo-cluster

  9. ecs-cli ps

  10. ecs-cli down --force


.Net Core and SQL Server In Docker - Part 1

Building and shipping a .NET Core application with Docker and TravisCI

Amazon ECS: using the CLI with Docker Compose

Docker cluster management on AWS

Install and configure the ECS CLI

Amazon ECS CLI Tutorial