
Poor Man's CQRS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Poor Man's CQRS

The aim of this project is to create a small sample application to test CQRS & DDD concepts without deal with advances topics like: asynchronous messaging, CAP theorem, Event Sourcing, etc.

Disclaimer: This is not an architecture recommendation nor my personal choice but an alternative for people who want to begin on CQRS without all the above.

Visit http://www.serrate.es/2011/11/22/poor-mans-cqrs for more info about that (in spanish).

Run application

  • Create a new Database: "PoorMansDb"
  • On web.config connectionStrings section change the connection string "PoorMansCS"
  • On web.config appSettings section set "BuildSchema" to true and it will generate DB. Once the database is generated turn off "BuildSchema" property
  • Press F5 on Visual Studio :)