
File Manager project implemented with Node.js API. It works using CLI and perform basic file operations.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Assignment: File Manager


The task is to implement File Manager using Node.js APIs. See full description here.

The file manager should be able to do the following:

  • Work using CLI
  • Perform basic file operations (copy, move, delete, rename, etc.)
  • Utilize Streams API
  • Get information about the host machine operating system
  • Perform hash calculations
  • Compress and decompress files


Launch an app

npm run start

Launch an app with a username

npm run start -- --username=your_username

Exit an app


Go up from the current directory


Navigate to another folder from the current directory

cd path_to_directory

List all files and folders in the current directory


Read a file and print its content to console

cat path_to_file

Create an empty file in the current working directory

add new_file_name

Rename a file:

rn path_to_file new_filename

Copy a file

cp path_to_file path_to_new_directory

Move a file (the initial file will be deleted)

mv path_to_file path_to_new_directory

Delete a file

rm path_to_file

Print operating system info:

  • Get EOL (default system End-Of-Line)
os --EOL
  • Get host machine CPUs info
os --cpus
  • Get the home directory
os --homedir
  • Get the current system user name
os --username
  • Get CPU architecture
os --architecture

Calculate hash for a file

hash path_to_file

Compress a file (using Brotli algorithm)

compress path_to_file path_to_destination

Decompress file (using Brotli algorithm)

decompress path_to_file path_to_destination