
Online grocery application - back end and web service

Primary LanguagePython

#                                                                                               #
#               _____                                ______ _               _                   #
#              |  __ \                               |  _  (_)             | |                  #
#              | |  \/_ __ ___   ___ ___ _ __ _   _  | | | |_ _ __ ___  ___| |_                 #
#              | | __| '__/ _ \ / __/ _ \ '__| | | | | | | | | '__/ _ \/ __| __|                #
#              | |_\ \ | | (_) | (_|  __/ |  | |_| | | |/ /| | | |  __/ (__| |_                 #
#               \____/_|  \___/ \___\___|_|   \__, | |___/ |_|_|  \___|\___|\__|                #
#                                              __/ |                                            #
#                                             |___/                                             #
#                                                                                               #

Current Setup Details:
    -- Uses Oracle Dev virt -- currently unable to set up external network on virt
    -- Uses Python 2 and Flask for API and front-end

Virt details:
    -- Uses custom CentOS setup (beware package building)
    -- Username is usually oracle, Oracle, orcl, Orcl, or system (for db)
    -- All passwords (not root): oracle

    To build tables:
    > cd 425_project/src/database
    > sqlplus
    username: grocerydirect
    password: oracle
    > sql: @table_creation.sql
    > sql: exit
    > ./populate_tables.py

    To build a small number of useful test items, run ONLY ONCE:
    > cd ../api
    > ./make_items_for_demo.py

    To run tests: (warning - this will clutter the DB)
    > cd 425_project/src/tests/unit_tests
    > PYTHONPATH=../../api/ pytest <filename.py>

    To run frontend on localhost:5000:
    > cd 425_project/src/frontend
    > ./runfrontend.py

Git repository was corrupted. Cleanup was necessary. Some commits were lost in this time.