
Perl modulino used to analyze BLAST output and BLAST database in ClickHouse (columnar DBMS for OLAP and analytics).



FindOrigin - It's a modulino used to analyze BLAST output and database in ClickHouse (columnar DBMS for OLAP).


# drop and recreate database (connection parameters in blastoutanalyze.cnf)
FindOrigin.pm --mode=create_db -d test_db_here

# import BLAST output file into ClickHouse database
FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastout -d jura --blastout=t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz

# remove header and import phylostratigraphic map into ClickHouse database (reads PS, TI and PSNAME from config)
FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_map -d jura --map t/data/hs3.phmap_names -v

# imports analyze stats file created by AnalyzePhyloDb (uses TI and PS sections in config)
FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb_stats -d jura --stats=t/data/analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db -v

# import names file for species_name
FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_names -d jura --names=t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz -v

# runs BLAST output analysis - expanding every prot_id to its tax_id hits and species names
FindOrigin.pm --mode=blastout_uniq -d hs_plus -v

# update report_ps_tbl table with unique and intersect hts and gene lists
FindOrigin.pm --mode=bl_uniq_expanded -d jura --report_ps_tbl=hs_1mil_report_per_species -v -v

# import full BLAST database (plus ti and pgi columns)
FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb --blastdb t/data/db90_head.gz -d dbfull -v -v

# run import and analysis for all blast output files
FindOrigin.pm --mode=queue_and_run -d kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --names t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz -v -v

# removes specific hits from the BLAST output based on the specified tax_id (exclude bad genomes).
FindOrigin.pm --mode=exclude_ti_from_blastout --blastout t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz -ti 428574 -v

# dump a single table
FindOrigin.pm --mode=dump_chdb --database=kam --out=/msestak/blastout/ --format_ex=Native --table_ch=names_dmp_fmt_new

# dump all tables in a database
FindOrigin.pm --mode=dump_chdb --database=kam --out=/msestak/blastout/ --format_ex=Native --max_processes=8

# restore a single table
FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=jura --tbl_sql=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.sql --tbl_contents=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.Native.gz
FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=jura --tbl_sql=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.sql --tbl_contents=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.Native.gz --drop_tbl

# restore all tables to a database
FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --max_processes=8
FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --max_processes=8 --drop_tbl

# find top hits N for all species in a database
FindOrigin.pm --mode=top_hits -d kam --top_hits=10


FindOrigin is modulino used to analyze BLAST database (to get content in genomes and sequences) and BLAST output (to figure out where are hits coming from). It includes config, command-line and logging management.

For help write:
FindOrigin.pm -h
FindOrigin.pm -m


  • create_db

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=create_db -ho localhost -d test_db_here -po 8123
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=create_db -d test_db_here

    Drops ( if it exists) and recreates database in ClickHouse (needs ClickHouse connection parameters to connect to ClickHouse).

  • import_blastout

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastout -d jura --blastout t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz -ho localhost -po 8123 -v
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastout -d jura --blastout t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz

    Imports compressed BLAST output file (.gz needs pigz) into ClickHouse (needs ClickHouse connection parameters to connect to ClickHouse). It drops and recreates table in a database where it will import it and runs separate query at end to return number of rows inserted.

  • import_map

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_map -d jura --map t/data/hs3.phmap_names -ho localhost -po 8123 -v
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_map -d jura --map t/data/hs3.phmap_names -v

    Removes header from map file and writes columns (prot_id, phylostrata, ti, psname) to tmp file and imports that file into ClickHouse (needs ClickHouse connection parameters to connect to ClickHouse). It can use PS, TI and PSNAME config sections.

  • import_blastdb_stats

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb_stats -d jura --stats=t/data/analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db -ho localhost -po 8123 -v
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb_stats -d jura --stats=t/data/analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db -v

    Imports analyze stats file created by AnalyzePhyloDb. AnalysePhyloDb -n nr_raw/nodes.dmp.fmt.new.sync -t 9606 -d ./all_ff_for_db/ > analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db

    It can use PS and TI config sections.

  • import_names

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_names -d jura --names=t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz -ho localhost -po 8123 -v
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_names -d jura --names=t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz -v

    Imports names file (columns ti, species_name) into ClickHouse.

  • blastout_uniq

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=blastout_uniq -d jura --blastout_tbl=hs_1mil -v
      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=blastout_uniq -d jura --blastout_tbl=hs_1mil -v

    It creates a unique non-redundant blastout_uniq table with only relevant information (prot_id, ti) for stratification and other purposes. Other columns (score, pgi blast hit) could be added later too. From that blastout_uniq_tbl it creates report_gene_hit_per_species_tbl2 which holds summary of per phylostrata per species of BLAST output analysis (ps, ti, species_name, gene_hits_per_species, genelist).

  • bl_uniq_expanded

      # grabs all genelists at once, large memory consumption, but faster
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=bl_uniq_expanded -d jura --report_ps_tbl=hs_1mil_report_per_species -v -v
      # works iteratively, less memory, but slower
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=bl_uniq_exp_iter -d jura --report_ps_tbl=hs_1mil_report_per_species -v -v

    Update report_ps_tbl table with unique and intersect hits and gene lists.

  • exclude_ti_from_blastout

      # options from command line
      lib/BlastoutAnalyze.pm --mode=exclude_ti_from_blastout --blastout t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz -ti 428574 -v
      # options from config
      lib/BlastoutAnalyze.pm --mode=exclude_ti_from_blastout --blastout t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz -ti 428574 -v

    Removes specific hits from the BLAST output based on the specified tax_id (exclude bad genomes). It works with gziped BLAST output and writes gziped files.

  • import_blastdb

      # options from config
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb --blastdb t/data/db90_head.gz -d dbfull -v -v
      # runs in 2 h for 113,834,350 fasta records
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=import_blastdb -d blastdb --blastdb /msestak/dbfull/dbfull.gz -v -v

    Imports BLAST database file into ClickHouse (it splits prot_id into 2 extra columns = ti and pgi). It needs ClickHouse connection parameters to connect to ClickHouse.

  • queue_and_run

      # options from command line
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=queue_and_run -d kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --names t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz -v -v

    Imports all BLAST output files in a given directory and calculates unique hits per species for all one by one. It first (re)creates database where it will run, imports names file only once and collects BLAST output, stats and map files and imports all these triplets.

  • dump_chdb

      # dump a single table
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=dump_chdb --database=kam --out=/msestak/blastout/ --format_ex=Native --table_ch=names_dmp_fmt_new
      # dump all tables in a database
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=dump_chdb --database=kam --out=/msestak/blastout/ --format_ex=Native --max_processes=8

    Exports a single table or all tables from a database. It exports both metadata (create table) and table contents. Native is the most efficient format. CSV, TabSeparated, JSONEachRow are more portable: you may import/export data to another DBMS. It can run in parallel if --max_processes specified.

  • restore_chdb

      # restore a single table
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=jura --tbl_sql=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.sql --tbl_contents=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.Native.gz
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=jura --tbl_sql=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.sql --tbl_contents=/msestak/blastout/kam.am3_map.Native.gz --drop_tbl
      # restore all tables to a database
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --max_processes=8
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=restore_chdb --database=kam --in=/msestak/blastout/ --max_processes=8 --drop_tbl

    Restores a single table or all tables from a directory. It creates (optionally drops) a table and imports table contents. It uses pigz to decompress table contents. It can run in parallel if --max_processes specified.

  • top_hits

      # find top hits N for all species in a database
      FindOrigin.pm --mode=top_hits -d kam --top_hits=10

    It finds top N species with most BLAST hits (proteins found) in prokaryotes.


All configuration in set in blastoutanalyze.cnf that is found in ./lib directory (it can also be set with --config option on command line). It follows Config::Std format and rules. Example:

#in       = t/data/
out      =  t/data/
#infile   = t/data/
#outfile  = t/data/

host      = localhost
database  = test
#user     = default
#password = ''
port      = 8123

blastout_tbl   = hs_1mil
names_tbl      = names_dmp_fmt_new
map_tbl        = hs3_map
stats_ps_tbl   = analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db_stats_ps
stats_gen_tbl  = analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db_stats_genomes
blastdb_tbl    = ''
report_ps_tbl  = hs_1mil_report_per_species
report_exp_tbl = hs_1mil_report_per_species_expanded

blastdb  = t/data/dbfull.gz
blastout = t/data/hs_all_plus_21_12_2015.gz
map      = t/data/hs3.phmap_names
names    = t/data/names.dmp.fmt.new.gz
stats    = t/data/analyze_hs_9606_all_ff_for_db

1   =  1
2   =  2
3   =  2
4   =  2
5   =  3
6   =  4
7   =  4
8   =  4
9   =  5
10  =  6
11  =  6
12  =  7
13  =  8
14  =  9
15  =  10
16  =  11
17  =  11
18  =  11
19  =  12
20  =  12
21  =  12
22  =  13
23  =  14
24  =  15
25  =  15
26  =  16
27  =  17
28  =  18
29  =  18
30  =  19
31  =  19
32  =  19
33  =  19
34  =  19
35  =  19
36  =  19
37  =  19
38  =  19
39  =  19

131567   =  131567
2759     =  2759
1708629  =  2759
1708631  =  2759
33154    =  33154
1708671  =  1708671
1708672  =  1708671
1708673  =  1708671
33208    =  33208
6072     =  6072
1708696  =  6072
33213    =  33213
33511    =  33511
7711     =  7711
1708690  =  1708690
7742     =  7742
7776     =  7742
117570   =  7742
117571   =  117571
8287     =  117571
1338369  =  117571
32523    =  32523
32524    =  32524
40674    =  40674
32525    =  40674
9347     =  9347
1437010  =  1437010
314146   =  314146
1708730  =  314146
9443     =  9443
376913   =  9443
314293   =  9443
9526     =  9443
314295   =  9443
9604     =  9443
207598   =  9443
1708693  =  9443
9605     =  9443
9606     =  9443

cellular_organisms  =  cellular_organisms
Eukaryota  =  Eukaryota
Unikonta  =  Eukaryota
Apusozoa/Opisthokonta  =  Eukaryota
Opisthokonta  =  Opisthokonta
Holozoa  =  Holozoa
Filozoa  =  Holozoa
Metazoa/Choanoflagellida  =  Holozoa
Metazoa  =  Metazoa
Eumetazoa  =  Eumetazoa
Cnidaria/Bilateria  =  Eumetazoa
Bilateria  =  Bilateria
Deuterostomia  =  Deuterostomia
Chordata  =  Chordata
Olfactores  =  Olfactores
Vertebrata  =  Vertebrata
Gnathostomata  =  Vertebrata
Teleostomi  =  Vertebrata
Euteleostomi  =  Euteleostomi
Sarcopterygii  =  Euteleostomi
Dipnotetrapodomorpha  =  Euteleostomi
Tetrapoda  =  Tetrapoda
Amniota  =  Amniota
Mammalia  =  Mammalia
Theria  =  Mammalia
Eutheria  =  Eutheria
Boreoeutheria  =  Boreoeutheria
Euarchontoglires  =  Euarchontoglires
Scandentia/Primates  =  Euarchontoglires
Primates  =  Primates
Haplorrhini  =  Primates
Simiiformes  =  Primates
Catarrhini  =  Primates
Hominoidea  =  Primates
Hominidae  =  Primates
Homininae  =  Primates
Hominini  =  Primates
Homo  =  Primates
Homo_sapiens  =  Primates


Copyright (C) Martin Sebastijan Šestak.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Martin Sebastijan Šestak mocnii msestak@irb.hr