Learning deno repository
Install deno :
hello-deno is a hello world with deno only :
cd demos/hello-deno
deno run --allow-net .\start.ts
the site is here http://localhost:8000/
hello-aleph is a hello world with the aleph framework :
it used the last release v0.3.0.alpha.18
deno install --unstable -A -f -n aleph https://deno.land/x/aleph@v0.3.0-alpha.18/cli.ts
cd demos/hello-aleph
aleph dev
the site is here http://localhost:8080
it is broken for now on win10 powershell but work fine on linux
hello-abc is a hello world with the abc framework :
cd demos/hello-abc
deno run --allow-net ./server.ts
hello-oak is a hello world with the oak framework :
cd demos/hello-oak
deno run --allow-net ./server.ts
the site is here http://localhost:8080/
- awesome deno :
- markdown : https://github.com/ubersl0th/markdown
- postgres : https://deno.land/x/postgres@v0.8.0
- denon : https://deno.land/x/denon@2.4.7