Protection/Automation for StumbleChat rooms - p0z
Requires Python 3+
Requires Libraries: pip install requests websockets
Discord: x0r#3027
prefix = ['@']
@bitcoinbot #starts a thread to check cryptowatch bitcoin every hour.
@check #made for testing, shows users online.
@handle #shows your handle, going to be used for adding handles to knownlist, etc.
@roll #basic dice, will later add dicing game, betting, and point database.
@btc #checks cryptowatch bitcoin prices.
@ltc #checks cryptowatch litecoin prices.
@flip #flips a coin heads/tails, will later be able to place bet against the bot, add/remove to point database.
@mood #for fun, i use sarcastically, shows a geico commercial dialog.
@line #shows a pickup line
@fact #shows random animal fact, will add more or add api for random facts of random topics.
@joke #shows random joke from API.
@cookie #shows a fortune cookie
@mom #shows mom joke from API.
@cn #shows Chuck Norris joke.
@trivia #start trivia game, will later add points for point database.
@tokes #starts toke timer, will later add addTokers(user), then announcement.
@uptime #shows how long the bots been running
@yt url #plays youtube, until roles are made this is public command. replace url with your link.
@twitchjoin channel #Joins Twitch channel, watches for things like joins, subs, gifts, and highlights, then displays them in stumblechat room. Will try keep this spam friendly.
@urb keyword #searches urb and shows results, replace keyword with your word.