As per the challenge description, its goal was to create a Quiz application. The UI was provided on Figma. Some of the functionalities in this application were:
- Feedback when answering a question.
- Full Report at the end of the game.
Also, some packages used were:
- axios
- node-sass
- eslint
- prettier
First of all, after creating the application I added some best practices rules. I installed eslint and prettier and defined some rules so that other developers using the application can maintain the code integrity.
Since the prototype was given alongside the challenge, I started programming the application by its HTML and CSS, creating React components as needed. I also added the fonts used in the Figma mock.
It's important to notice that while I couldn't get some of the logic right at first, I coded as good as I could, but I do realize that's a skill I could improve given the right guidance.
As for the tests, I don't have any hands on experience with it, so I left it without testing. But I'm definitely interested in improving this skill alongside the SAS team.
Color | Hex |
#E5E5E5 | |
#1E2124 | |
#343C58 | |
#0467DB | |
#32CB82 | |
#FF6660 | |
#438DE4 | |
#53595F | |
#E4E4E6 |
To build and run this application locally, you'll need latest versions of Git and Node.
# Clone this repository
# Go into the repository
$ cd sas-frontend-challenge
# Install the dependencies
$ npm install
$ or
$ yarn
# Start the application
$ npm start
$ or
$ yarn start
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details