
Make config settings available to Python build backend

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Make config settings available to Python build backend

This technique is a workaround to an issue affecting setuptools. Any build backend is welcome to use this workaround / github action.

drain-swamp, a build backend with build plugins for generated files, uses this technique. So could your build backend.

python -m build executes build backends within a subprocess. And does not pass thru the config_settings.

To customize the build process, config settings are absolutely needed.



Environment variable with absolute path to a valid TOML file

  • a valid TOML file

Holds the config settings. Values are all str. Path values need single quotes, not double quotes.

  • custom build backends

Python build backend packages also need to build their package.

Your package most likely is not a build backend package.

to be consistent

Eventhough config_settings is passed into the custom build backend Python script, all packages should use the same interface, drain-swamp-action.


The build backend should:

  • check for DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS which contains absolute TOML file path e.g. '/[tmp folder]/setuptools-build.toml'
  • read the TOML file
  • parse (config_settings) into a mapping
  • use the config_settings mapping to customize the build process

tl;dr; skip to github-workflow

Setuptools -- custom build backends

Sending config_settings to a setuptools custom build backend. This applies only to those who are a build backend author.

python -m build -C--set-lock="1" -C--kind="0.0.1"

The drain-swamp build plugins then have access to both:

--set-lock="1" --kind="0.0.1"

In an ideal world, the conversation would end here. This technique would work for both custom build backends and when using a build backend.

This is the hottest topic in setuptools issues. Below is the suggested interm solution, before the community can reach a consensus (aka a PEP).

config_settings TOML file format

Config settings
property desc
project.name required and ignored
project.version required and ignored
tool.config-settings.kind semantic version str or current or tag
tool.config-settings.set-lock '1' or '0'. dependency lock on and off respectively
Only if pyproject.toml contains more than one snippet.
Need the snippet code for the snippet
containing dependencies and optional-dependencies
tool.config-settings.parent-dir Only used during testing. Sets the tmp/ folder

The [tool.config-settings] section contains whatever key/value pairs the build backend needs to customize the build process.

These are the config settings used by drain-swamp

Technique -- bash implementation

export DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS="/tmp/setuptools-build.toml"

name = "whatever"
version = "99.99.99a1.dev6"

python -m build

drain-swamp has build plugins. These input parameters are received by all build plugins. So the plugin should use only the needed key/value pairs. The plugin should ignore all other key/value pairs.

Add key/value pairs to [tool.config-settings] section.

To verify this TOML file is valid

python -m pip install --upgrade validate-pyproject
validate-pyproject $DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS

Github Workflow

Github workflows can use this drain-swamp-action to simplify the process.

config_settings are passed in as a JSON str.

- name: "Build Plugin parameters"
  uses: 'msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action@v1'
     plugin_parameters: '{"set-lock": "1", "kind": "current"}'
     checkout: true
     python_version: '3.10'

Can easily and intuitively add more build parameters to the JSON str.

After this step, execute python -m build. This your github workflow should do.

Usually implemented as bash or tox.

Resist the urge

This is wrapping repo checkout and python setup. Your github workflow might already do this, but why? It's already done for you.

JSON tools

Available within github workflows and github actions

jq, toJSON, fromJSON, and join


inputs desc
plugin_parameters a JSON str holding key/value pairs to deliver as config_settings thru the subprocess barrier
file name to store config_settings in TOML format.
Default 'setuptools-build.toml'
true to checkout repo. Let us checkout the repo, one less thing to do.
Default true
Version of python to use.
Default '3.10'
outputs desc
Absolute path to the toml file. Set this into environment variable, DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS.
Path to the toml file within the runners temp folder

Example usage, although env.DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS should already exist along with the TOML file

id: steps-id-goes-here
  DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS: ${{ steps.steps-id-goes-here.outputs.ds_config_settings }}

Not shown

On windows, value (an absolute path) needs single quotes.

In bash, use ``case in esac`` to handle windows and not windows cases.

These produce boolean, so don't use ``if; then else fi``

${{ ! startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows') }}
startsWith(matrix.os, 'windows')



Basic example

- id: prepare-config-settings
  name: "Build Plugin parameters"
  uses: 'msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action@v1'
     plugin_parameters: '{"set-lock": "1", "kind": "current"}'
     checkout: true
     python_version: '3.10'

- name: "What did we get?"
  run: |
    ls -alR

# If using tox, install requirements for tox and tox-gh
- name: "Build package"
    DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS: ${{ steps.prepare-config-settings.outputs.ds_config_settings }}
  run: |
    python -m build

Multiple snippets

Lets say pyproject.toml has multiple snippets. Cuz snippets are awesome and more is better!

Only in this case, specify the snip-co parameter.

- name: "Build Plugin parameters"
  uses: 'msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action@v1'
     plugin_parameters: '{"set-lock": "1", "kind": "current", "snip-co": "little_shop_of_horrors_shrine_candles"}'

Checks out repo and setup python py310 without the cache.

If there is only one snippet, snip-co is inferred; so unnecessary.

If a snip-co is needed, don't provide an incorrect snip-co. That would result in an exception.

The refresh links plugin expects the snippet to contain: dependencies and optional-dependencies.

For the love of cringe and cosplay, the snippet codes are movie references with cringe scenes. Something in a scene or what's cringe about the scene are good candidates for a snip-co.