Automated SSH ramdisk creator/loader Compatible devices: hopefully everything Syringe supports Building: # Submodules (xpwn and syringe) git submodule init git submodule update # OS X: you need libusb and arm-elf-binutils (and maybe arm-elf-gcc?) from macports to build syringe # Boost: Stripped down boost needed by fuzzy_patcher included in _3rd/boost_1_48_0: run, then use or build-win32.cmd to build. # general building - OS X: cd syringe; make all; cd ../xpwn; make all; cd ../mux_redux; make all; cd ../fuzzy_patcher; make all; cd jsyringeapi; make all; cp *.jnilib ../java/gui/src/res/native/ # general building - Win32: Just set JAVA_HOME to where the JDK is and build the solution. # Building the Java project: Use Eclipse; add stuff from java/_3rd as external JARs. On Windows, make sure to use a 32-bit JDK environment to build/debug the java/gui project; since iTunes DLLs are 32bit, and so are the native DLLs that the solution builds.