
Narrowband IoT gateway for MsgFlo

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

msgflo-nbiot Build Status

Narrowband IoT gateway for MsgFlo, this is the server-side part of a project built for the Deutsche Telekom NB-IOT Hackathon, Berlin, Germany, 2017.

The client-side part is documented here: https://ansi.23-5.eu/2017/06/nb-iot-bc95-arduino/

How to run the tests

  • create a virtualenv
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • pytest

Docker docker, container, container

To build and push

  • docker build . -t msgflo/msgflo-nbiot
  • docker login
  • docker push msgflo/msgflo-nbiot

To run

  • docker run -d -p 16666:16666/udp msgflo/msgflo-nbiot