Homepage of the Cloud Expert Program Documentation Site.
This documentation site is made of mkdocs markdown files located in folder ./docs
The configuration file of mkdocs providing some settings and the menu structure is location at ./mkdocs.yml
This documentation site uses the material theme
of mkdocs.
If you want to build and serve the documentation site locally, the following prerequisites are mandatory:
- local installation of
- local installation of
(see HOW-TO install mkdocs) - local installation of
mkdocs material theme
(see HOW-TO install mkdocs material theme)
If you want to contribute to the documentation site using docker without installing mkdocs, the following prerequisites are mandatory:
- local installation of
To serve the documentation site locally using mkdocs simply run the following command:
mkdocs serve
To stop mkdocs simply press Ctrl+c
To serve the documentation site locally using docker simply run the following command:
docker-compose up
To stop the containerized mkdocs press Ctrl+c
and run docker-compose down
The documentation site will be available at http://localhost:8000
To compile the markdown source code of the documentation site into a static website simply run the following command:
mkdocs build -c -d site
The static website will be available at ./site
You can install mkdocs by running the following command:
pip install mkdocs
You can install the material theme for mkdocs by running the following command:
pip install mkdocs-material