
A Dockerfile for running the GraphQL tutorial sandbox in a container.

Dockerfile for graphql-blog-schema


This is a Dockerfile for creating a Docker image of the GraphQL blog sandbox used on https://learngraphql.com.

How do I use it?

  • Clone this repo and change into the repo directory
git clone https://github.com/msgodf/dockerfile-graphql-blog-schema.git
cd dockerfile-graphql-blog-schema
  • Build the image with docker build -t graphql-blog-schema .
  • Wait a while while it clones the repo and installs the application
  • Run a container from the image with docker run -p 3000:3000 -d graphql-blog-schema
  • Head to http://localhost:3000 in a browser

What does it do?

  • Takes the official Node.js Docker image as a base
  • Installs git
  • Clones the repo from https://github.com/kadirahq/graphql-blog-schema
  • Runs npm install
  • Changes the host that Express listens on from localhost to
  • Runs the application via npm start (ENTRYPOINT is set to this)


  • Because I don't like running Node.js on my laptop in order to work through a tutorial.
  • Because I like automating, by putting lists of instructions into a Dockerfile (and then creating lists of instructions on how to use the Dockerfile)