Given a file of k sequences with n SNP calls each (can be 0, 1, or * if the value is unknown), find all maximal wildcard haplotype blocks.
This implementation was built to test the algorithm described in "Maxmimal Perfect Haplotype Blocks with Wildcards," to be published in a Special Issue of iScience covering RECOMB-Seq 2020, over an input data set with varying proportions of SNP calls unknown. It can be built using Netbeans.
WildHap takes five arguments, two of which are optional.
- input filename
- probability of replacing a SNP call with a *
- minimum block area for reported blocks (width x height)
- maximum number of rows to process (optional)
- maximum number of SNPs (columns) to process (optional)
WildHap produces two output files: an info file with a summary of the blocks found in the input, and a dist file that lists the unique block shapes (height x width) of the blocks.
The file fig1.txt is provided. If run with the following arguments
fig1.txt 0.0 1
(input file fig1.txt, 0 probability of replacing a SNP call with a *, and a minimum block area of 1), WildHap produces a file with the following contents.
# of row: 6
# of SNPs: 3
minblockarea: 1
# of dfs calls: 11
# of blocks: 22
avg |K|: 3.91
avg # of block SNPs: 2.09
Additionally, WildHap produces file fig1.txt.dist-0.0-1.txt.