Working with Known JSON Schemas - Lab


In this lab you'll practice working with json files whose schema you know beforehand.


You will be able to:

  • Read JSON Documentation Schemas and translate into code
  • Extract data from known json schemas
  • Write data to predefined JSON schemas

Reading a JSON Schema

Here's the JSON schema provided for a section of the NY Times API:

or a fully expanded view:

You can see this yourself here:

You can see that the master structure is a dictionary and has a key named 'response'. This is also a dictionary and has two keys: 'data' and 'meta'. As you continue to examine the schema hierarchy, you'll notice the vast majority in this case are dictionaries.

Loading the Data File

Start by importing the json file. The sample response from the api is stored in a file ny_times_movies.json

#Your code here

Loading Specific Data

Create a DataFrame of the major data container within the json file, listed under the 'results' heading in the schema above.

#Your code here

How many unique critics are there?

#Your code here

Create a new column for the review's url. Title the column 'review_url'

#Your code here

How many results are in the file?

#Your code here


Well done! Here you continued to gather practice extracting data from JSON files and transforming them into our standard tool of Pandas DataFrames.