
by Louis

Primary LanguageC++


The csv2envi program will take a csv file exported from SciDB and generate the
corresponding ENVI binary/header file pair in the specified format: bsq, bil,
or bip.

Exporting Array From SciDB
The SciDB function 'save' exports an array stored in SciDB to one of the
specified formats: csv, csv+, dcsv, dense, lcsv+, lsparse, sparse. This program
only supports conversion from csv to ENVI. See SciDB User Guide for details on
the 'save' function.

Running csv2envi
To run this program, enter the following in the command line:

./csv2envi inputFilePath outputFilePath lines samples bands
           precision interleave byteOrder

  Arguments         Description
  ---------         -----------
  inputFilePath     Full path to the input csv file.
  outputFilePath    Full path to the ouput ENVI file.
  lines             Number of lines.
  samples           Number of samples.
  bands             Number of bands.
  precision         1 (1-byte unsigned integer)
                    2 (2-byte signed integer)
                    3 (4-byte signed integer)
                    4 (4-byte float)
                    5 (8-byte double)
                    12 (2-byte unsigned integer)
  interleave        bsq (band sequential)
                    bil (band interleave by line)
                    bip (band interleave by pixel)
  byteOrder         0 (little-endian)
                    1 (big-endian)

The command line arguments must correspond to the attributes of the array stored
in SciDB. E.g. if the array you wish to export has 2-byte signed integers stored
in each cell, then you must specify a value of 2 for the precision.

Example Cases
1. SciDB array 'exportme' is a 3x4x5 dimension array storing 1-byte unsigned
   integers where lines = 3, samples = 4, bands = 5.
   Export the array from SciDB to a csv file using the afl command in SciDB:
   save(exportme, '/home/scidb/exportme.csv', -2, 'csv');
   Generate a bil file from the csv file:
   csv2envi /home/scidb/exportme.csv /home/scidb/exportme 3 4 5 1 bil 0
   This generates 2 files: exportme.bil and exportme.hdr.

   Note: The outputFilePath does not include the extension .bil. If it does,
   the program will strip the extension specified in the outputFilePath.

2. SciDB array 'fielddata' is a 6x3x4 dimension array storing 2-byte signed
   integers where lines = 6, samples = 3, and bands = 5.
   Export the array from SciDB to a csv file using the afl command in SciDB:
   save(fielddata, '/home/scidb/fielddata.csv', -2, 'csv');
   Generate a bsq file from the csv file:
   csv2envi /home/scidb/fielddata.csv /home/scidb/fielddata 6 3 4 2 bsq 1
   This generates 2 files: fielddata.bsq and fielddata.hdr.

   Note: The outputFilePath does not include the extension .bil. If it does,
   the program will strip the extension specified in the outputFilePath.