
a simple cascade drop down jQuery plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScript

jQuery Cascade Plugin

this is a simple jQuery plugin for cascading drop downs with the following features:

  • filling a single drop down depending on multiple drop downs.
  • adding extra arguments.
  • specifying a request type (GET or POST).
  • specifying a function to be executed before starting the request.
  • specifying a function to be executed after completing the request.


dependent (required):

the ID of the dependent drop down.

url (required):

the url from where to get the data.

textKey (required):

the key that will be used for getting the text of an item after parsing the returned result.

valueKey (required):

the key that will be used for getting the value of an item after parsing the returned result.

argName (required):

the argument name to be used when sending request.


the function to be executed if an error occured while sending the request.


the function to be executed after request is complete.


the function to be executed before the request starts.


the text to be used for the default item in the dependent drop down.


an object that contains the extra parameters to be send with the request (for example {param1 : value1}).


an array of objects (just the argument name and the ID of the drop down) that represents the additional drop downs to send its values with the request (for example [{ argName: "val2", ID: "additionalDDL1" }, { argName: "val3", ID: "additionalDDL2" }]).


a string that represents the request type (GET or POST), the default request type is GET.

Sample usage:

    url: "/Data/GetData",
    dependent : "Combo3",
    textKey: "Text",
    valueKey: "Value",
    defualtItemText: "select an item",
    argName: "val1",
    additionalDDL: [{ argName: "val2", ID: "Combo1" }],
    beforeRequest: function () { alert("before satrt"); },
    onComplete: function () { alert("complete"); },
    requestType: "POST"