- 1
Unable to install
#125 opened by sjurgis - 0
Getting the following error when trying to download analytics datasets.
#124 opened by claytonaphillips1 - 0
- 0
- 0
[Enhancement] shane:object:casesafeid
#111 opened by hackbac - 0
ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/runner/.cache/sfdx/yarn/v6/npm-colors-1.4.2
#110 opened by sakkukasetty - 0
- 1
- 0
shane:github:src:install doesn't return a non-zero exit code when deployment fails
#104 opened by daveespo - 0
shane:analytics:dataset:list & shane:analytics:dataset:download don't see all Dataset (only first page)
#101 opened by jeanfrancoisbea - 0
- 2
- 0
Autoremove special symbols like question mark ("?") from label when creating an API Name like this is done in the SF UI.
#91 opened by Patlatus - 11
- 3
Simple Heroku Login
#86 opened by jandolina - 1
NetworkSelfRegistration by acct/community names
#41 opened by mshanemc - 0
object create time fields
#75 opened by mshanemc - 2
How do you create lookup fields?
#72 opened by hamayounCS - 0
Using shane:analytics:dataset:upload give error
#77 opened by ttse-sfdc - 1
- 0
throw on org:create when not status 0
#69 opened by mshanemc - 0
sfdx shane:connectedapp:attributes has incorrect description and could benefit from an example
#74 opened by RupertBarrow - 15
sfdx shane:mdapi:pull - Returning Object.keys(...).map(...).flat is not a function
#68 opened by ronyaoun - 11
Suggestions shane:object:field
#18 opened by JodieM - 0
Align Perms/Profiles doesn't strip field
#66 opened by papaflavaflave - 2
Hi Shane, currently have this issue while trying to install your plugin. Did you change something recently? Thank you
#61 opened by cverhaest - 0
generate package url button for readme
#58 opened by mshanemc - 0
generate deployer url button for readme
#57 opened by mshanemc - 4
Convert Profile to Permissionset and remove rights from Profile - Profile still contains all rights
#50 opened by stoevie - 1
- 2
- 2
Give access to standard objects
#52 opened by FabienTaillon - 1
deploy multiple packages in parallel
#45 opened by mshanemc - 3
Feature Request: Communities:Publish --all
#43 opened by aheber - 14
Errors installing: incompatible module?
#16 opened by camisotro - 8
Win10: TypeError running user password set
#39 opened by Szandor72 - 1
start analytics dataflow via rest api
#38 opened by mshanemc - 1
- 1
assign permset by name of user
#34 opened by mshanemc - 1
does the plugin also support github enterprise?
#32 opened by Stwissel - 1
Mismatched version warning
#30 opened by hotcher2 - 0
- 0
🚸 Improvement: Grab the value for the default source directory from the sfdx project file instead
#28 opened by e02d96ec16 - 2
- 8
Issue trying to install version 3.2.0
#22 opened by AltiusRupert - 1
"shane:mdapi:pull" fails on metadata with single folder. Error "folderListMetadata is not iterable"
#23 opened by arbackhouse - 1
Flag error on shane:mdapi:pull
#20 opened by dmrx - 2
"unzip" fails on Windows
#17 opened by camisotro - 1
new command: ui-api mock data grabber
#13 opened by mshanemc - 0
new command: generate login url
#12 opened by mshanemc