
The Image Controller for RHTAP helps set up and manage Quay.io container image repositories for RHTAP Components.

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The Image Controller for AppStudio

The Image Controller operator helps set up container image repositories on Quay.io for AppStudio.

Image Controller operator installation

  1. Install the project on your cluster by running make deploy.
  2. Set up the Quay.io token that would be used by the controller to setup image repositories under the quay.io/redhat-user-workloads organization.
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: quaytoken
  namespace: image-controller-system
  organization: redhat-user-workloads
  quaytoken: redacted
type: Opaque

To generate organization-wide token:

  1. Create your own organization on Quay.io
  2. Go to the organization and select applications, then create a new one.
  3. Select the application and choose generate token.
  4. Select Administer organizations, Adminster repositories, Create Repositories permissions.

General purpose image repository

Requesting image repository

To request an image repository one should create ImageRepository custom resource:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRepository
  name: imagerepository-sample
  namespace: test-ns

As a result, a public image repository quay.io/my-org/test-ns/imagerepository-sample will be created. When status.state is set to ready, the image repository is ready for use. Additional information about the image repository one may obtain from the ImageRepository object status:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRepository
  name: imagerepository-sample
  namespace: test-ns
    name: test-ns/imagerepository-sample
    visibility: public
    generationTimestamp: "2023-08-23T14:56:41Z"
    push-robot-account: test_ns_imagerepository_sample_101e4e2b63
    push-remote-secret: imagerepository-sample-image-push
    push-secret: imagerepository-sample-image-push
    url: quay.io/my-org/test-ns/imagerepository-sample
    visibility: public
  state: ready


  • push-robot-account is the name of quay robot account in the configured quay organization with write premissions to the repository.
  • push-remote-secret is an instance of RemoteSecret that manages the Secret specified in push-secret.
  • push-secret is a Secret of dockerconfigjson type that contains image repository push robot account token with write permissions.

User defined image repository name

One may request custom image repository name by setting spec.image.name field upon the ImageRepository object creation. Note, it's not possible to change image repository name after creation. Any changes to the field will be reverted by the operator.


Image repository name is always prefixed with the ImageRepository namespace. The namespace prefix is separated by /.

Image repository visibility

It's possible to control image repository visibility by spec.image.visibility field. Allowed values are:

  • public (default)
  • private

It's possible to change the visibility at any time.


Your quay.io organization plan should allow creation of private repositories. In case your quay.io organization has free plan that does not allow setting repositories as private, then if private visibility was requested:

  • on ImageRepository creation, then the creation will fail.
  • after ImageRepository creation, then status.message will be set and spec.image.visibility reverted back to public.

Credentials rotation

It's possible to request robot account token rotation by adding:

    regenerate-token: true

After token rotation, the spec.credentials section will be deleted and status.credentials.generationTimestamp updated.

Error handling

If a critical error happens on image repository creation, then status.state is set to failed along with status.message field. To retry image repository provision, one should recreate ImageRepository object.

If a non critical error happens, then status,message is set and corresponding spec fields are reverted.


After any successful operation, status.message is cleared.

AppStudio Component image repository

Image repository for Component builds

There is a special use case for image repository that stores user's Component built images.

To request image repository provision for the Component's builds, the following labels must be added on ImageRepository creation:

  • appstudio.redhat.com/component with the Component name as the value
  • appstudio.redhat.com/application with the Application name to which the Component belongs to.


Described above labels must be added on ImageRepository object creation. Adding them later will have no effect.

The key differences from the general purpose workflow are:

  • second robot account and the corresponding RemoteSecret and Secret are created with read (pull) only access to the image repository.
  • the pull secret is propagated into all Application environments via RemoteSecret.
  • the secret with write (push) credentials is linked to the pipeline service account, so the Component build pipeline can push resulting images.

If spec.image.name is omitted, then instead of ImageRepository object name, application-name/component-name is used for the image repository name.

All other functionality is the same as for general purpose object.

Requesting image repository for Component builds

To request an image repository for storing Component built images, one should create ImageRepository custom resource:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRepository
  name: imagerepository-for-component-sample
  namespace: test-ns
    appstudio.redhat.com/component: my-component
    appstudio.redhat.com/application: my-app

As a result, a public image repository quay.io/my-org/test-ns/my-app/my-component will be created. When status.state is set to ready, the image repository is ready for use. Additional information about the image repository one may obtain from the ImageRepository object status:

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: ImageRepository
  name: imagerepository-for-component-sample
  namespace: test-ns
    name: test-ns/my-app/my-component
    visibility: public
    generationTimestamp: "2023-08-23T14:56:41Z"
    push-robot-account: test_ns_my_app_my_component_e290bac4d
    push-remote-secret: imagerepository-for-component-sample-image-push
    push-secret: imagerepository-for-component-sample-image-push
    pull-robot-account: test_ns_my_app_my_component_6a54e08b62_pull
    pull-remote-secret: imagerepository-for-component-sample-image-pull
    pull-secret: imagerepository-for-component-sample-image-pull
    url: quay.io/my-org/test-ns/my-app/my-component
    visibility: public
  state: ready

Legacy (deprecated) Component image repository

To request the controller to setup an image repository for a component, annotate the Component with image.redhat.com/generate: '{"visibility": "public"}' or image.redhat.com/generate: '{"visibility": "private"}' depending on desired repository visibility.

apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: Component
    image.redhat.com/generate: '{"visibility": "public"}'
  name: billing
  namespace: image-controller-system
  application: city-transit
  componentName: billing

The image.redhat.com/generate annotation will be deleted after processing. The visibility status will be shown in visibility field of image.redhat.com/image annotation.

Subsequently, the visiblity of the image repository could be changed by toggling the value of "visibilty".


Your quay.io organization plan should allow creation of private repositories. If your quay.io organization has free plan that does not allow setting repositories as private, then the error will be shown in message field of image.redhat.com/image annotation and the repository will not be created or will remain public.

If Component's auto-generated image repository should be deleted after component deletion, add image.redhat.com/delete-image-repo annotation to the Component.


The Image controller would create the necessary resources on Quay.io and write out the details of the same into the Component resource as an annotation, namely:

  • The image repository URL.
  • The image repository visibility.
  • The name of the Kubernets Secret in which the robot account token was written out to.
apiVersion: appstudio.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: Component
    image.redhat.com/generate: 'false'
    image.redhat.com/image: >-
  name: billing
  namespace: image-controller-system
  resourceVersion: '86424'
  uid: 0e0f30b6-d77e-406f-bfdf-5802db1447a4
  application: city-transit
  componentName: billing


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