
Repository for https://docs.imagekit.io

What is ImageKit.io?

ImageKit.io is an image management service for online businesses. It provides intelligent real-time image optimization, resizing, cropping, and fast CDN delivery.

Why teams use ImageKit.io?

Companies around the world use ImageKit.io to deliver the images on their websites and apps allowing them to ease image management, improve image quality, and significantly reduce time to market for any image-heavy applications.

Here are a few benefits of using ImageKit.io:

  • Simplify your image workflow - Avoid creating and storing multiple size variants for the same image. Leverage real-time URL-based resizing, and other transformation parameters to get a pixel-perfect image based on your frontend design.
  • Optimize images without changing code - ImageKit.io automatically converts the image format based on browser support, image content, original image format, and the original image quality. You can integrate ImageKit.io on existing custom domains, for example - images.example.com.
  • Faster image loading - ImageKit.io comes with a global CDN (Amazon CloudFront) with 200+ points of presence (PoPs). This, combined with reduced file size, translates to a faster-loading website.
  • Increase your conversion rates - Faster pages help you reduce bounce rates and increase both - the number of pages viewed per session as well as conversion rates.
  • Achieve better SEO results - Faster page load times will improve search engine rankings. It means your pages are more likely to appear higher in search results on Google and other search engines.