
Weather API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Posmedia Weather App (pmweather)

This app was created within the scope of Coding challenge presented to Mohammad S.Niaei by Postmedia technical team.


The back-end consistes of two part.

  • Core
  • API


Core is consists of three classes.

  • City
  • Country
  • Weather


City is a dataclass. It provides id, name, lng, lat, country and state (if USA).

This data type would be used to obtain coordinates or city name to provide to openweathermap's API.


Country is a class that get's a json file which has a certain schema and provides list of cities.

Using this information Country can return

  • a city object by given name.
  • list of available cities (Canadian cities).


Providing a city object Weather can return

  • current weather of given city from openweathermap using city name or coordinates.
  • n days forecats of given city by name or coordinates (requires a valid API KEY)


The service was created using Django and Django Ninja and it provides an API.

The api has three endpoints.

  • Available Cities /api/cities/available
  • City information /api/cities/{city}
  • Current Weather for given City /api/weather/current/{city}

see: api/docs


Using API provided by pmweather two pages for front-end was created using jquery and bootstrap


Home page Home Page Results on home page Home Page

Available cities

All available cities Home Page Results on all available cities Home Page


API documentation provided by ninja Home Page


  • Django==4.0.5
  • django-ninja==0.19.0
  • orjson==3.7.5
  • requests==2.28.0


First clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/mshemuni/postmeda.git

Change directory to the project's root:

cd postmeda/

Install Requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

and run it by:

python manage.py runserver






From terminal

Getting list of cities

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' | jq

Getting a city's information

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' | jq

Getting weather data of a given city name from openweathermap

curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: */*' | jq


the jq is optional for pretty viewing on terminal



unittests are done for core library using test_core.py

Simply run the file.


Since City is a dataclass I couldn't find a way to test it.

Tests are done for Country and Weaher classes

Test conditions:

For core test condition as below was tested:

  • TestCountry.test_init: Check for number of cities available

  • TestCountry.test_cities: Check if first element returned by cities method is "Abbey"

  • TestCountry.test_get_city_info: Check if the method returns correct element, from cities

  • TestCountry.test_get_city_info_case: Check if the method returns correct element, from cities even if the city name is given with different cases

  • TestCountry.test_get_city_info_spaces: Check if the method returns correct element, from cities even if there are redundant white-spaces before and after the city name

  • TestCountry.test_get_city_info_error: Check if the method raises correct error if the given city name is not available

  • TestWeather.test_init: Check if the given city is correct

  • TestWeather.test_current_by_coordinates: Check if the data returned by openweathermap belongs to the given city by checking the coordinates

  • TestWeather.test_current_by_name: Chek-ck if the data returned by openweathermap belongs to the given city by checking the coordinates

  • TestWeather.test_current_by_name_wrong_api: Check if the method raise correct error on wrong api key


For the API, the tests are done differently. For api application of our django project we create a test.py file and running it by:

Simply run the code below in root directory.

python manage.py test api

Test conditions:

  • APITestCase.test_available_cities: Check if api returns correct number of element and if the first element is correct
  • APITestCase.test_get_city: Check if the given city name returns correct city information
  • APITestCase.test_get_city_error: Check if the error is returned by the api if wrong (not a city) city name is given
  • APITestCase.test_current_by_name: Check if weather data contains correct coordinates for the given city
  • APITestCase.test_current_by_name_error: Check if the error is returned by the api if wrong (not a city) city name is given