
Primary LanguageTypeScript

User Management API

This is a Node.js REST API built with Express, TypeScript, and PostgreSQL that allows users to create, read, update, and delete user accounts, as well as register and login to the application.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. Create a PostgreSQL database.
  4. Create a .env file in the root of the project and add the following environment variables:
DB_HOST=<database host>
DB_PORT=<database port>
DB_USER=<database user>
DB_PASSWORD=<database password>
DB_DATABASE=<database name>
JWT_SECRET=<JWT secret key>
  1. Run npm run start to start the server.


User Endpoints

GET /users
Get a list of all users.

GET /users/:id
Get a single user by ID.

POST /users
Create a new user.

PUT /users/:id
Update an existing user.

DELETE /users/:id
Delete a user by ID.

Authentication Endpoints

POST /register
Create a new user account.

Request body:

  "name": string,
  "email": string,
  "password": string
POST /login
Authenticate a user.

Request body:

  "email": string,
  "password": string

Response body:

  "token": string

Error Responses

The API returns the following error responses:

400 Bad Request

Returned when the client sends an invalid request. The response body will contain a JSON object with an error message.

401 Unauthorized

Returned when the client is not authorized to access a resource. The response body will contain a JSON object with an error message.

404 Not Found

Returned when the requested resource cannot be found. The response body will contain a JSON object with an error message.

500 Internal Server Error

Returned when an unexpected error occurs on the server. The response body will contain a JSON object with an error message.


To run the unit tests, run the command npm run test. This will run all tests in the __tests__ directory.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.