
Yet another feed reader like Feedly

Primary LanguagePython


Yet another feed reader like Feedly


  • Use JWT Authentication.
  • Add RSS link to fetch feed items and news.
  • Bookmark and Favorite feed items.
  • Using async task for updating feeds.



Save user data


Save feeds data like title, link, image of a feed.


Save feed items like title, link, description, author data's of news.

API Documents

We use Django REST Framework ability to generation OpenAPI schemas. We're using Swagger UI to generate HTML documentation pages from OpenAPI schemas. API documets are here.

Built with

  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Postgresql
  • Docker
  • Celery
  • RabbitMQ


you need to install:

Getting Started

We use Docker and Docker Compose for easy deployment:

docker-compose up --build

Local development environment

First of all set DJANGO_ENV:

export DJANGO_ENV=development

For celery worker and celery beat:

celery -A feedze worker -l info
celery -A feedze beat -l INFO --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler