Pure Python2 PXE (DHCP/TFTP/HTTP) Server

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

#About This repository contains code that provides a working PXE server (via HTTP, TFTP, DHCP, and/or iPXE) implemented purely in Python. Currently, only Python2 is supported.

DISCLAIMER: None of these servers are fully compliant with any standards or specifications. However, the true specifications and standards were followed when building PyPXE and while they work for PXE any other uses are purely coincidental. Use at your own risk.


###Using PyPXE as a Library Each server type (TFTP/HTTP/DHCP) is in it's own class in it's own file and can be used independently if so desired. For more information on how each service works and how to manipulate them, see DOCUMENTATION.md.

###QuickStart server.py uses all three services in combination with the option of enabling/disabling them individually while also setting some options. Edit the server.py settings to your preferred settings or run with --help or -h to see what command line arguments you can pass. Treat the provided netboot directory as /tftpboot that you would typically see on a TFTP server, put all of your network-bootable files in there and setup your menu(s) in netboot/pxelinux.cfg/default.

Simply run the following command and you will have an out-of-the-box PXE-bootable server that runs TFTP and serves files out of the netboot directory!

sudo python server.py

If you require the ability to handle DHCP PXE requests then you can either enable the built-in DHCP server (after configuring, of course)...

sudo python server.py --dhcp

...or start server.py in ProxyDHCP mode rather than a full DHCP server to prevent DHCP conflicts on your network...

sudo python server.py --dhcp-proxy


Enable iPXE ROM [Default: False]


Enable built-in HTTP server [Default: False]


Enable built-in DHCP server [Default: False]


Enable built-in DHCP server in proxy mode (implies --dhcp) [Default: False]


DHCP Server Arguments each of the following can be set one of two ways, you can use either/or

Specify DHCP server IP address [Default:]

--dhcp-server-ip DHCP_SERVER_IP

Specify DHCP fileserver IP address [Default:]

--dhcp-fileserver-ip DHCP_FILESERVER_IP

Specify DHCP lease range start [Default:]

--dhcp-begin DHCP_OFFER_BEGIN

Specify DHCP lease range end [Default:]

--dhcp-end DHCP_OFFER_END

Specify DHCP subnet [Default:]

--dhcp-subnet DHCP_SUBNET

Specify DHCP lease router [Default:]

--dhcp-router DHCP_ROUTER

Specify DHCP lease DNS server [Default:]

--dhcp-dns DHCP_DNS

Specify the local directory where network boot files will be served [Default: 'netboot']

--netboot-dir NETBOOT_DIR

Specify the PXE boot file name [Default: automatically set based on what services are enabled or disabled, see documentation for further explanation]

--netboot-file NETBOOT_FILE

##Notes Core.iso located in netboot is from the TinyCore Project and is provided as an example to network boot from using PyPXE chainload.kpxe located in netboot is the undionly.kpxe from the iPXE Project
pxelinux.0, menu.c32, and memdisk located in netboot are from the SYSLINUX Project