
K8s Node Health Check Operator

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Node Healthcheck Controller

A Node entering an unready state after 5 minutes is an obvious sign that a failure occurred, but depending on your physical environment, workloads, and tolerance for risk, there may be other criteria or thresholds that are appropriate.

The Node Healthcheck Controller checks each Node's set of NodeConditions against the criteria and thresholds defined for it in NodeHealthCheck CRs. If the Node is deemed to be in a failed state, and remediation is appropriate, the controller will instantiate a RemediationRequest template (defined as part of the CR) that specifies the mechansim/controller to be used for recovery.

Should the Node recover on its own, the NH controller removes the instantiated RemediationRequest. In all other respects, the RemediationRequest is owned by the target remediation mechanism and will persist until that controller is satisfied remediation is complete. For some mechanisms that may mean the Node has entered a safe state (eg. the underlying "hardware" has been deprovisioned), for others it may be the Node coming back online (eg. after a reboot).

Remediation is not always the correct response to a failure. Especially in larger clusters, we want to protect against failures that appear to take out large portions of compute capacity but are really the result of failures on or near the control plane.

For this reason, the healthcheck CR includes the ability to define a percentage or total number of nodes that can be considered candidates for concurrent remediation.

When the controller starts it will create a default healthcheck CR, if there is no healthcheck CR at all in the cluster already(supporting upgrades with existing configurations). The default CR works with the self-node-remediation, that should be installed automatically if you deployed using the operator hub. The CR uses all defaults except a selector to select only worker nodes.

Cluster Upgrade awareness

Cluster upgrade usually draw workers reboot, mainly to apply OS updates, and this disruption can cause other nodes to overload to compensate for the lost compute capacity, and may even start to appear unhealthy. Making remediation decisions at this moment may interfere with the course of the upgrade and may even fail it completely. For that NHC will stop remediating new unhealthy nodes in case in detects that a cluster is upgrading. At the moment only OpenShift is supported since ClusterVersionOperator is automatically managing the cluster upgrade state.

If running on k8s, where this feature isn't supported yet, you can pause any new remediation using the resource _pauseRequests_ spec field.

oc patch nhc/nhc-worker-default --patch '{"spec":{"pauseRequests":["pause for cluster upgrade by @admin"]}}' --type=merge

See the healthcheck CR for more details.


Install the Node Healthcheck operator using operator hub. The installation will also install the self-node-remediation operator as a default remediator.

For development environments you can run make deploy deploy-snr. See the Makefile for more variables.

On start the controller creates a default resource name nhc-worker-default, that remediates using Self Node Remediation, and will check for worker-only heath issues. See NodeHealthCheck Custom Resource for the default properties. If there is an existing resource the controller will not create a default one.

NodeHealthCheck Custom Resource

Here is the default NHC resource the operator creates on start:

apiVersion: remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: NodeHealthCheck
  name: nhc-worker-default
  # mandatory
    apiVersion: self-node-remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: SelfNodeRemediationTemplate
    namespace: <SNR namespace>
    name: self-node-remediation-resource-deletion-template
  # see k8s doc on selectors https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#resources-that-support-set-based-requirements
      - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/worker
        operator: Exists
  minHealthy: "51%"
    - type: Ready
      status: "False"
      duration: 300s
    - type: Ready
      status: Unknown
      duration: 300s
Field Mandatory Default Value Description
remediationTemplate yes n/a A reference to a remediation template provided by an infrastructure provider. If a node needs remediation the controller will create an object from this template and then it should be picked up by a remediation provider.
selector no empty selector that selects all nodes a nodes selector of type metav1.LabelSelector
minHealthy no 51% Any further remediation is allowed if "MinHealthy" nodes selected by "selector" are healthy.
pauseRequests no n/a prevents any new remdiation from starting, while in-flight remediations keep running. Each entry is free form, and ideally represents the requested party reason for this pausing e.g "imaginary-cluster-upgrade-manager-operator"
unhealthyConditions no [{type: Ready, status: False, duration: 300s},{type: Ready, status: Unknown, duration: 300s}] list of the conditions that determine whether a node is considered unhealthy. The conditions are combined in a logical OR, i.e. if any of the conditions is met, the node is unhealthy.

NodeHealthCheck life-cycle

When a node is unhealthy:

  • sum up how many other nodes are unhealthy.
  • if the number of healthy nodes > minHealthy the controllers creates the external remediation object
  • the external remediation object has an OwnerReference on the NodeHeathCheck object
  • controller updates the NodeHealthCheck.Status

When a node turns healthy:

  • the controller deletes the external remediation object
  • the controller updates the NodeHealthCheck.Status

External Remediation Resources

External remediation resources are custom resource meant to be reconciled by speciallized remediation providers. The NHC object has a property of a External Remediation Template, and this template Spec will be copied over to the External Remediation Object Spec. For example this example NHC has this template defined:

apiVersion: remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: NodeHealthCheck
  name: nodehealthcheck-sample
    apiVersion: self-node-remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
    kind: SelfNodeRemediationTemplate
    namespace: default
    name: test-template
  • For the default configuration this will work out of the box. For other remediators or configurations it is the admin's responsibility to ensure the relevant template resource exists.
apiVersion: self-node-remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: SelfNodeRemediationTemplate
  name: test-template
  namespace: default
    spec: {}
  • the controller will create an object with the kind SelfNodeRemediation (kind of the template with trimmed 'Template' postfix) and the object will have ownerReference set to the corresponding NHC object
apiVersion: self-node-remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: SelfNodeRemediation
  # named after the target node
  name: worker-0-21
  namespace: default
    - kind: NodeHealthCheck
      apiVersion: remediation.medik8s.io/v1alpha1
      name: nodehealthcheck-sample
spec: {}

Remediation Providers responsibility

It is upto the remediation provider to delete the external remediation object if the node is deleted and another is reprovisioned. In that specific scenario the controller can not assume a successful node remediation because the node with that name doesn't exist, and instead there will be a new one.

RBAC rules aggregation

Each provider must label it's rules with rbac.ext-remediation/aggregate-to-ext-remediation: true so the controller will aggreate its rules and will have the proper permission to create/delete external remediation objects.