
Groq + Google

Primary LanguagePython


Groogle is a Python application that combines the capabilities of the Groq API and the Google search engine to provide a comprehensive solution for information retrieval and processing. The application uses the Groq API for chat completions and the Google search engine to find relevant web results. It then uses a web scraper to extract data from these results and uses the Groq API again to generate a response based on the prompt and the extracted data.


  • Groq API Integration: Utilizes the Groq API for chat completions to generate queries and answers.
  • Google Search: Performs Google searches to find relevant web results.
  • Web Scraping: Extracts data from the web results using a web scraper.
  • Concurrent Processing: Uses concurrent processing to speed up the web scraping process.
  • Environment Variables: Loads API keys from environment variables for secure access.


  1. Install the required packages by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Set your Groq API key in your environment variables as GROQ_API_KEY.
  3. Run the script and input your prompt when prompted.
  4. The script will generate a Google search query, perform the search, scrape the results, and use the Groq API to generate an answer based on the prompt and the extracted data.


  • The script requires an active internet connection to perform Google searches and scrape web results.
  • The script uses the googlesearch package, which may not be the most efficient or reliable for large-scale scraping.
  • The script uses the postscraper.py for web scraping, which may not be the most efficient or reliable for all websites.
  • The script uses the concurrent.futures module for concurrent processing, which may not be the most efficient or reliable for all use cases.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes or improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.