
⚙ Automating my work life...

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Automating my work life

I chose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.

— Bill Gates

I am not too lazy, but I do not enjoy performing a repetitive task for hours on end when I could write a script to do the same thing in a few seconds. I do enjoy learning about technology that can make my life easier and sharing it with other people to make their lives easier.

The Usual

If my work life was a story, every chapter would start off something like this...

I did not realize these things had these properties! I wonder how many of these things exist with this, that, or the other thing? If I give you a list of the things I care about, can you do a "search" and give me a list of things that have the properties I am looking for?

— Ends (aka End Users)

The Usual Diagram


  1. .env file - I am using a local .env file to access sensitive info like API urls and Vault paths

  2. Vault - I am using the Vault CLI to access secrets for API calls (auth.js line 12)

  3. Google Cloud - I am using the gcloud CLI to authenticate and access BigQuery

    gcloud CLI - Authorize with a user account

    gcloud auth application-default login

Requirements testing

npm run test
PASS  ./requirements.test.js
   ✓ Checking for .env API_URL variable... (2 ms)
   ✓ Checking for Vault CLI... (517 ms)
   ✓ Checking for .env OAuth related variables...
   ✓ Checking for Google Cloud CLI... (1337 ms)

   Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
   Tests:       4 passed, 4 total
   Snapshots:   0 total
   Time:        2.073 s
   Ran all test suites.

Getting started with MkDocs

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  4. Formatting options (markdown_extensions) - https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/configuration/#formatting-options
  5. Run the builtin development server - https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/cli/#mkdocs-serve
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