
Rice Adaptive Particle Tracer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


RAPT: A Python framework for tracing relativistic test particles in general electromagnetic fields

RAPT (Rice Adaptive Particle Tracer) is an object-oriented package for simulating trajectories of charged particles under electric and magnetic fields. It is intended to be used for plasma physics research and education.


  • Relativistic equations of motion.
  • Following the particle or guiding center trajectories.
  • Automatic switching between particle and guiding-center trajectories for efficiency.
  • Accurate, state-of-the-art equations for the guiding center.
  • Support for time-dependent fields.
  • Extensible with user-defined field models.
  • Magnetic field-line tracing.
  • Utilities to evaluate particle-related or field-line related quantities.
  • Modular, object-oriented design for easy maintenance and extension.

This version is not stable and it is subject to change in future.


  • numpy>=1.17
  • scipy>=1.3.1


The package can be installed using pip with the following command

pip install git+https://github.com/mkozturk/rapt@master


Proton trajectory around the Earth dipole

from rapt import m_pr, e, Re, Particle, params
from rapt.utils import speedfromKE
from rapt.fields import EarthDipole

params["cyclotronresolution"] = 20  # set step size to about 1/20 of a period
v = speedfromKE(1e6, m_pr, 'ev')    # speed of a 1MeV proton
pa = 30 * pi / 180                  # pitch angle

# Create an instance of Particle class and initialize
p = Particle(
        pos = (6*Re, 0, 0),                 # initial position
        vel = (0, - v*sin(pa), v*cos(pa)),  # initial velocity 
        t0 = 0,                             # starting time
        mass = m_pr,                        # proton mass
        charge = e,                         # proton charge
        field = EarthDipole()               # Earth's dipole field
# Follow the particle for 100s, store result internally

# Optional visualization with matplotlib:
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

pl.plot(p.gett(), p.getz()/Re) # Plot the z coordinate vs. time
pl.xlabel('time [s]')
pl.ylabel('z [Re]')

fig = pl.figure(2)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # Display the trajectory in 3D
ax.plot(p.getx()/Re, p.gety()/Re, p.getz()/Re)


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