
add some IDE expirience for Github

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


Highlight definition and references on variables right on github pages! Highlight

Make available next hot keys:

  • alt + click - just highlight
  • ctrl + click | cmd + click(Mac) - jump to next usage place
  • alt + ctrl + click | alt + cmd + click(Mac) - jump to definition
  • esc - clean all highlights


  1. Works for github
  2. Works for js, ts, jsx, es6 files.
  3. Shipped as Chrome extension.

Available settings:

  • definition / reference highlight color


Recommended way it to install from extensions store



To build locally:

  • clone repository
  • npm i
  • npm run build
  • drag'n'drop /build folder to chrome://extensions/