
mDNS/ZeroConf/Bonjour service discovery for Prometheus

Primary LanguageGo

Prometheus mDNS service discovery

Discovers mDNS (a.k.a. ZeroConf, a.k.a. Bonjour) service announcements under _prometheus-http._tcp and _prometheus-https._tcp for ad-hoc discovery of devices on LAN networks.

Install & running

go install github.com/msiebuhr/prometheus-mdns-sd

Run it

prometheus-mdns-sd -out /etc/prometheus/mdns-sd.json

And in prometheus.yml something along these lines:

- job_name: mdns-sd
  scrape_interval: 30s
  scrape_timeout: 10s
  metrics_path: /metrics
  scheme: http
  - files:
    - /etc/prometheus/mdns-sd.json
    refresh_interval: 5m

It resolves the raw IP's (the Go DNS resolver doesn't always understand RFC6762/RFC6763's .local names) and captures the port-number and hostname for later re-labeling.


Manually create service announcement (OS X):

dns-sd -R "My test server with metrics-endpoint" _prometheus-http._tcp. . 9000 path=/metrics

And there's some code for arduino/esp8266.

Related reading