Provides advanced Scala language features based on ensime.
- Code completions including automatic add import for completed types
- Show compile errors and warnings as markers in the editors
- Show all compile errors and warnings in a special tab and allow to cycle though it
- Outline
- Code formatter (using scalariform)
- Show type under cursor in tooltip
- Show documentation under cursor
- Jump to definition
- Create a Cloud9 workspace (custom)
- Go to preferences -> experimental and enable "Load Plugins From Workspace" and "Load Custom Plugins"
- Execute "c9 install c9.ide.language.scala" in the terminal. You might have to provide your login credentials.
- Reload the workspace
- Open "Installer..." from the Window menu and click though it. It will install java, sbt, ensime-sbt and some npm dependencies.
- As soon as the 'sbt' command is available, the installation is complete.
- execute "sbt gen-ensime" in your workspace. You must have an sbt-based project checked out before.
- reload the workspace, ENSIME should now be installed and started. Check the browser console about the progress (should take about 5 minutes).
- Scala support is now ready.