Akka IO library in scala for serial ports based on rxtx.
libraryDependencies += "ch.inventsoft.akka" %% "rxtx-akka-io" % "1.0.4"
To connect use (in an actor):
override def preStart = IO(Serial) ! Open(port, 9600)
override def receive = {
case Opened(operator, _) =>
println("Connected to port")
context become open(operator)
The actor will be bound to the opened serial port connection using a death pact. So if the actor that opened the connection gets stopped/killed it will also close and stop the serial port connection.
The operator accepts
Write: To write data to the serial port (a ByteString).
Close: To close the serial port.
operator ! Write(ByteString(“Hello”)) // no ack
val ackToken = new AckEvent{} operator ! Write(ByteString(“Hello with ack”), ackToken)
operator ! Close
The operator will send
Received: Data was received no the serial port (ByteString).
Ack: Response to successful write.
Closed: When the port has been closed (i.e. as a response to Close).
messages. To handle use code like:
case Received(data) =>
print("Received data from serial port: ")
case Closed =>
println("Serial port closed")
context stop self
For more information see the Akka IO Documentation.
Make sure you have the rxtx native libraries on the java library path.
If on Mac OS X you keep getting "gnu.io.PortInUseException: Unknown Application” try to create the /var/lock and give all users access to it.
sudo mkdir /var/lock sudo chmod 777 /var/lock
For RXTX see: http://rxtx.qbang.org/
Provides serial input/output capabilities and the OS native parts.
For Akka IO see: http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/snapshot/scala/io.html
Provides the basic interface definition.