
Simple scraper library for Mandarake search queries

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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mdrscr - Mandarake Scraper

A simple scraper library that parses Mandarake search results and returns the items found there.


The main export takes an object of search parameters and a language (either ja for Japanese or en for English; defaults to Japanese).

import { searchMain, mainCategories } from 'mdrscr'

// Search 'pokemon' in the comics category.
const testSearch = {
  keyword: 'pokemon',
  categoryCode: mainCategories.COMICS[0]

const runTest = async () => {
  const results = await searchMain(testSearch, 'ja')

searchMain() returns a Promise, so if you're not using async/await you can set a .then() function instead. Once the Promise resolves, results.entries contains an array of search results, e.g.:

{ searchDetails:
   { keyword: 'pokemon',
     categoryCode: '1101',
     shop: '0',
     dispAdult: 0,
     soldOut: 1,
     maxPrice: null,
     upToMinutes: 0,
     sort: 'arrival',
     sortOrder: 1,
     dispCount: 240 },
  lang: 'ja',
  url: 'https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?keyword=pokemon&categoryCode=1101&shop=0&dispAdult=0&soldOut=1&upToMinutes=0&sort=arrival&sortOrder=1&dispCount=240&lang=ja',
   [ { title: 'item title',
       itemNo: ['nitem-00XDSDC9', '0181099788'],
       image: 'https://img.mandarake.co.jp/...imagelink.jpg',
       link: 'https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/...detailpage',
       shop: ['福岡店'],
       shopCode: '11',
       price: 100,
       isAdult: false,
       inStock: true,
       inStorefront: true },
     /* ...many more... */ ],
  entryCount: 34 }

An entry is mostly self-explanatory, but it's worth mentioning that the item number is an array. The first array item is a value that is unique to Mandarake. The second is unique to the item. Every item has a different itemNo[0], but it's possible for multiple items to have the same itemNo[1] if they are the same product. Some products do not have a product ID and will have one item in the itemNo array only.

The price is always in Yen. inStock indicates whether a product is in stock, and inStorefront indicates if it is available at a physical Mandarake store. If the latter is true, it could be that someone bought the product since it was entered into the database — this will be checked after you decide to buy it and go to checkout.

Auction search

To search the auction site:

import { searchAuctions, auctionCategories } from './src'

// Search auctions for 'ルパン三世' in the anime cels category. Note the different search format.
// The auction site is more limited in search parameters, so is a query is included, our search results
// have to be filtered by category manually afterwards.
const testSearch = {
  q: 'ルパン三世',
  category: auctionCategories.ANIME_CELS[0]

const runTest = async () => {
  // Note: no 'lang' parameter. The auction site is only available in Japanese.
  const results = await searchAuctions(testSearch)

When the Promise resolves:

{ searchDetails: { q: 'ルパン三世', category: 'anime_cels' },
  lang: 'ja',
  url: 'https://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/auction/item/itemsListJa.html?q=%E3%83%AB%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E4%B8%89%E4%B8%96&category=anime_cels',
   [ { title: 'ルパン三世 次元大介',
       itemNo: '03123456781234567',
       link: 'https://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/auction/item/itemInfoJa.html?index=xxxxx',
       image: 'https://img.mandarake.co.jp/...imagelink.jpeg',
       auctionType: '毎オク',
       shop: '札幌店',
       shopCode: '27',
       categories: [{ name: 'ギャラリー', slug: 'original_art' }, { name: '色紙', slug: 'shikishi' }],
       currentPrice: 4000,
       startingPrice: 4000,
       bids: 0,
       watchers: 3,
       timeLeft: { days: 8, hours: 20, minutes: 0, formattedTime: '20:00' } },
     /* ...many more... */ ],
  entryCount: 11 }

Favorites search

It's possible to search your own favorites list, as long as you provide a cookie with a session ID so we can make logged in requests.

import { mandarakeFavorites, loadCookies } from 'mdrscr'

const runTest = async () => {
  // Cookies file must be in Netscape format.
  await loadCookies('./cookies.txt')
  const favs = await mandarakeFavorites('ja')

Search parameters

The following parameters can be passed in a search:

Parameter Default Explanation
keyword '' What to search for. If an empty string, everything is displayed.
categoryCode '00' Limits results to a specific category. If '00', all categories are included.
shop '0' Limits results to those physically at a specific Mandarake location. Useful for combining items in one shipment. If '0', all shops are included.
dispAdult 0 0: hide adult items. 1: show adult items.
soldOut 1 0: show sold out items. 1: hide sold out items.
maxPrice null Limits results to a maximum price of n yen.
upToMinutes 0 Limits results to items added n minutes ago. This should be set based on how often you'll scrape.
sort arrival Changes the sort method. Not recommended to override.
sortOrder 1 0: ascending. 1: descending. Not recommended to override.
dispCount 240 How many results to show at most. Not recommended to override. Should be as high as possible so we don't miss anything.

Most of the time, you probably want to pass only keyword and categoryCode and leave everything else at their defaults.

For auction searches, you can only pass two arguments: q (for search query) and category. The latter must be a string, such as 'anime_cels' — you can import the selected strings from auctionCategories. The auction search is far more limited due to the fact that the site doesn't let us do much.

Categories and shops

All of Mandarake's category codes and shop codes are exposed in the mainCategories and shops exports:

import { mainCategories, shops } from 'mdrscr'

Each item is an array containing the internal code, the English name and the Japanese name. For example:

> ['00', 'Everything', 'すべて']
> ['28', 'Utsunomiya', '宇都宮店']

In a search query, you should always use the code. The labels can be used for making the results human readable later. There are quite a lot of categories, so have a look in src/mandarake/categories.js for the full list.


MIT license.