
Displays basic information about the project in the current directory

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A script that displays basic information about the project in the current directory. It's useful for getting a quick reminder of a project's tooling and how to start working on it. It can be made to run automatically when cd'ing into a project directory.

Example output:

Screenshot of projinfo output

Why is this useful?

I've found it helpful to get a quick reminder of how a project works whenever I change to its directory. Especially for my own projects I haven't worked on in a while, and other people's projects that I've never worked on.

In Node projects in particular, it's annoying when you run yarn when a project really needs npm or lerna, or npm run build when it's really npm run compile. For Python projects, using 3 when you really need 2 can be confusing.


Since this is just my personal project, it only supports the file and project types I commonly work on.

The script displays whatever information is available to it. It uses the following files to produce its output:

  • Javascript/Node - package.json, yarn.lock, lerna.json
  • Python 2/3 - setup.py, setup.cfg, requirements.txt
  • PHP - composer.json
  • ZEIT Now - now.json
  • Documentation - .md, .rst, .txt

Running automatically on directory change

This script should be set up so that it triggers automatically whenever entering a project.

Bash shell

On Bash, defining a cd function in ~/.bash_profile will work:

function cd {
  # Actually change directory. <https://superuser.com/a/283365>
  builtin cd "$@"
  # Run a quick check to see if this is a project directory.
    [ ! -f './package.json' ] &&
    [ ! -f './requirements.txt' ] &&
    [ ! -f './setup.py' ] &&
    [ ! -f './setup.cfg' ] &&
    [ ! -f './composer.json' ]; then
  # Display project info.

Fish shell

On Fish Shell, the script should run on a change of the dirprev variable:

function display_project_info \
  --description 'Displays project info after changing to a project directory' \
  --on-variable dirprev

  # Run a quick check to see if this is a project directory.
  if begin
    [ ! -f ./package.json ]; and \
    [ ! -f ./requirements.txt ]; and \
    [ ! -f ./setup.py ]; and \
    [ ! -f ./setup.cfg ]; and \
    [ ! -f ./composer.json ]; end

  # Return if this is isn't a command directly run by the user themselves in the shell.
  if status --is-command-substitution

  # Display project info.


MIT license.