
Library for getting basic information about a Git repository for versioning purposes

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MIT license npm version dependencies: 0


Library for getting basic information about a Git repository for versioning purposes.


This library is available via npm:

npm i --save repoinf

Two functions are available: getRepoInfo(), which returns information about a repository, and getPlatformInfo(), which returns some basic information about the system. Both return a Promise that resolves to an object.

To use getRepoInfo(), the git command line utility needs to be available.



getRepoInfo(repoRoot[, isContainer, gitCmd])


  • repoRoot String
    Path to the repository to return information for.
  • isContainer Boolean: true
    Whether the repoRoot path contains the .git directory (as opposed to being the .git directory).
  • gitCmd String: "git"
    Name of or path to the Git executable, if it's not "git".


  • isRepo Boolean
    Whether the given path is a valid repository. If not, only isRepo and hasCommits will be returned, both false.
  • hasCommits Boolean
    Whether the repository has any commits. Without commits, only the branch name can be determined and all other data is empty.
  • branch String
    Name of the currently active branch.
  • hash String
    Short 7-character hash.
  • hashFull String
    Full 40-character hash.
  • lastCommit Date
    Date of the last commit.
  • commits Number
    Number of commits on this branch.
  • version String
    Formatted string representing the repository's state, e.g. "main-423 [97a65b1]".
  • versionDashed String
    Formatted string separated only by dashes, e.g. "main-423-97a65b1".


const data = await getRepoInfo(`/path/to/project`) // path containing a .git directory
// {
//   isRepo: true,
//   hasCommits: true,
//   branch: 'main',
//   hash: '97a65b1',
//   hashFull: '97a65b155b21b334975736d70d5eb20e58003cb1',
//   commits: 423,
//   lastCommit: 2021-11-14T14:11:53.000Z,
//   versionDashed: 'main-423-97a65b1',
//   version: 'main-423 [97a65b1]'
// }




  • (None.)


  • version String
    Full string identifying the kernel version.
  • uptime Number
    Number of seconds that the system has been up.
  • platform String
    OS platform name (aix, darwin, freebsd, linux, openbsd, sunos, or win32).
  • type String
    OS name (Linux, Darwin or Windows_NT).
  • release String
    OS version.
  • hostname String
    System hostname.
  • arch String
    CPU architecture for which Node was compiled.
  • bootTime Date
    Date object based on the current time and uptime.


const data = await getPlatformInfo()
// {
//   version: 'Darwin Kernel Version 18.7.0: Tue Aug 20 16:57:14 PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.271.2~2/RELEASE_X86_64',
//   uptime: 23457,
//   platform: 'darwin',
//   type: 'Darwin',
//   release: '18.7.0',
//   hostname: 'Vesuvius.local',
//   arch: 'x64',
//   bootTime: 2021-12-10T10:52:15.000Z
// }


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