###tm360 Shared UI
This is the codebase root for the tm360 shared-ui.
Please see the project wiki for details of how to use these resources in your tm360 app and how you can contribute.
- added Back-to-Top button
- misc adjustments and fixes to existing components
- added tabbed container
- iPad rendering improvements for text styles, text inputs, searchAndFilter, buttons, and modal dialog
- added UX approved text styles for h1, h2, and p tags
- added text input field
- added search and filter input
- added buttons
- added modal dialog
- added ShortLink component
- added support for LESS CSS
- added helper methods (truncate, validateEmail)
- added convenience flags for iOS and Retina display detection
- relocated Museo Sans font within /css for less error-prone referencing from tm360-base.css
- added tm360-universal.css classes prefixed with ".tm360" to enable selective use
- added Jasmine test lib, specRunner.html and demo.html
- initial release of tm360 Shared-UI library
- CSS includes styles for Museo Sans base, width snapping
- JS includes "window.tm" namespace, tm.widthCheck, and a suite of helper methods