
Scala Akka HTTP client for Oanda REST API v20

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Note: this is Scala wrapper for Oanda REST API v2. If you are looking for a Scala wrapper for the older Oanda REST API v1, please have a look at the scalanda project.

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scalanda-v20 is a light-weight Scala/Akka HTTP based client for Oanda's REST and Stream API v20, which supports completely asynchronous non-blocking communication with the API. If you are using (or planning to use) Oanda as a broker for your automated trading needs, this library might be of interest.


scalanda-v20 is compiled for Scala 2.12. If you are using sbt just drop this dependency into your build.sbt and you should be good to go.

libraryDependencies += "com.msilb" %% "scalanda-v20" % "0.1.5"


For the full description of Oanda's REST and Stream APIs please consult their great documentation.

Creating a new client

Create new instance of the API client using your auth bearer token:

val client = new OandaApiClient(Practice, "YOUR_AUTH_BEARER_TOKEN")

where Practice indicates that you want to connect to Oanda's fxTrade Practice environment. Other possible value is Production for live trading.

Usage examples

Here is a quick example of how to fetch historical data and place a limit order at the high of the previous candle:

val orderIdFut = for {
  candlesticks <- client.getCandlesticks(
    granularity = Some(H1),
    count = Some(4),
    includeFirst = Some(false)
  ).collect { case Right(r) => r.candles.filter(_.complete) }
  marketOrder <- client.createOrder(
        instrument = "EUR_USD",
        price = candlesticks.last.mid.get.h,
        units = -1500,
        takeProfitOnFill = Some(TakeProfitDetails(price = "1.09"))
  ).collect { case Right(r) => r }
} yield marketOrder match {
  case r: CreateOrderSuccessResponse => r.orderCreateTransaction.id
  case r: CreateOrderFailureResponse => throw new RuntimeException(r.errorMessage)
println("New Limit Order created @ previous high with order ID " + Await.result(orderIdFut, Duration.Inf))

Further sample requests can be found here.

For more detailed information on request / response parameters see Oanda API specs, e.g. specs for the accounts endpoint.


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  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
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MIT License