
"Voice to Text to Language" - solution for live conference translations. Modular, scalable, powered by Microsoft Azure.

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"Voice to Text to Language" - solution for live conference translations. Modular, scalable, powered by Microsoft Azure.

This repo is still work in progress, being regularly updated.


This is a prototype, the goal is to provide a solution for near real-time conference transcription & translation.

  1. English speaker is giving a presentation.
  2. Our application streams voice from microphone to the cloud.
  3. Cloud backend gets transcript (textual representation) of the speech.
  4. Cloud backend also translates this transcript to multiple languages (currently 3).
  5. Users (audience) subscribe to language of their choice on their devices (phones, tablets, laptops...).
  6. Users get translated sentences as the speaker carries on with their talk.

The solution currently supports English speakers, but is designed in a way that any other language can be processed as well (by employing different speech-to-text provider).


Cornerstone of this solution is Speech Service, which is part of Microsoft Cognitive Services.

Technology used:

  • JavaScript - client applications for speakers & attendees
  • SignalR - WebSocket communication
  • ASP.NET Core - web APIs
  • Cognitive Services - speech to text
  • Blob Storage - storing of transcripts & translations
  • Event Grid - triggers the process when new transcript is ready
  • Storage Queues - decoupling backend communication between translation and messaging part
  • Azure Functions - orchestration of translations, sending results to attendees
  • Microsoft Translator - translation to various languages, with neural networks (where possible)


To run the solution locally, you will need Visual Studio 2017 with Azure development workload and Azure Functions tools installed.

Besides that there are a few cloud dependencies:

  • Speech API - create new resource in Azure or get a free key.
  • Azure Storage - you can use local emulator, or create new Storage Account in Azure.
  • Translator Text - create new resource in Azure.

Solution structure

Most of our code is .NET, so we have used standard Solution-based structure. There are the following projects:

  • AttendeeApi is the SignalR hub, where attendees connect from their devices. It takes care of registration and also distributes translations.
  • AttendeeApp is the HTML/JavaScript client application which attendees use to choose a language and consume content.
  • Common is just a Portable Class Library with constants and classes used by other projects.
  • HubApi contains the recording web application and hosts the SignalR hub where speakers connect.
  • StreamGenerator is a simple console app which sends stream of bytes to the API (from properly formatted WAV file).
  • TranslationOrchestrator is a set of Azure Functions which take care of translating text to all supported languages in parallel and sending notification to AttendeeApi.

Azure resources

Name, Type, Description

Name Type Description
attendee Web App Hosting for attendee client app.
Could be also Storage with static page hosting.
attendeeapi Web App SignalR Hub for attendee client.
hubapi Web App SignalR Hub for speaker client.
Hosting for speaker client app.
Application settings:
- EventGridHost
- EventGridKey
- SpeechToTextApiKey
- StorageConnectionString
- WebSockets -> On
orchestrator Function App Application settings:
- AttendeeApiUrl
- AzureWebJobsStorage
- ServiceBusConnection (unused)
- StorageConnectionString
- TranslatorServiceKey
orchestratorPlan App Service Plan Consumption plan for orchestrator Function App.
hubPlan App Service Plan App Service Plan for all other App Services.
speech Speech (preview) Speech to Text API
translate Translator Text Translator API
translation-insights Application Insights Telemetry tied to orchestrator Function App.
transcript Event Grid Topic Topic with event subscription.
Sending event type TranscriptAdded to orchestrator Function.
storage Storage Account Common Storage account for transcripts, translations and orchestrator.

Custom speech model

Use http://production-neu.cris.ai if Speech service was created in North Europe.

Connect your Speech service subsription key with CRIS (profile -> subscriptions).

Prepare WAV chunks and TXT with their transcription.

ZIP audio files.

Upload Acoustic data and create Acoustic model.

Create Endpoint.