
Allows defining django model fields as IP addresses or networks along with query lookups

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

This package allows defining django model fields as IP addresses or networks. Values are encoded into the database as a character string of binary digits. This allows compatibility with RDMSes other than PostgreSQL while allowing subnet/supernet queries.

This package was inspired by the django-netfields package.

Model field definition

Model fields are defined using django_ipfields.IpAddressField and django_ipfields.IpNetworkField.

from django.db import models
from django_ipfields import IpAddressField, IpNetworkField
class MyModel(models.Model):
    ipv4_addr     = IpAddressField(version=4) # forces ipv4 addresses
    ipv6_net      = IpNetworkField(version=6) # forces ipv6 networks
    nullable_addr = IpAddressField(null=True) # allows ipv4 and ipv6 addresses and null
    any_addr      = IpAddressField()          # allows ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
    any_net       = IpNetworkField()          # allows ipv6 and ipv4 networks


  • Defining an IpAddressField or IpNetworkField with blank=True will result in an ImproperlyConfigured error. Use null instead.
  • Defining a max_len for an IpAddressField or IpNetworkField will be ignored. max_len is always defined as the number of bits supported by the highest allowed protocol plus 1 character (to store the protocol version)

Field access

The Python classes used for values are the ones defined in the ipaddress standard library package:

  • ipaddress.IPv4Address
  • ipaddress.IPv6Address
  • ipaddress.IPv4Network
  • ipaddress.IPv6Network

Conversion from form string values to the appropiate python value is done through the ipaddress.ip_address and ipaddress.ip_network functions. Here are some valid examples:

  • IPv4 address
  • IPv4 network
  • 2a03:2880:f110:83:face:b00c::25de IPv4 address

Query lookup usage

Relevant lookups:

  • __supernets: Matches rows where the column in the lhs is a supernet of the value in the rhs
  • __subnets: Matches rows where the column in the lhs is a subnet of the value in the lhs
  • __isprivate: Matches rows where the column in the lhs is (or isn't) a private network according to the rhs