
Yaml parser for Elixir based on native Erlang implementation

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

Yaml parser for Elixir

Build Status

How does it work?

This is a wrapper for yamerl - a native Erlang YAML parser which brings all of the functionalities to Elixir language.


Add yaml_elixir as a dependency in your mix.exs file.

defp deps do
     # ...
    {:yaml_elixir, "~> x.x.x"},

Where x.x.x equals the version in mix.exs. Always make sure to use the latest version.

Once you've done that, run mix deps.get in your command line to fetch the dependency.


With Yaml Elixir you have an access to two methods, one for parsing a string and an another one for parsing a file.

Run iex -S mix in your terminal to try how their works.

Parsing a string

iex(1)> yaml = """
...(1)>   a: a
...(1)>   b: 1
...(1)>   c: true
...(1)>   d: ~
...(1)>   e: nil
...(1)> """
"  a: a\n  b: 1\n  c: true\n  d: ~\n  e: nil\n"
iex(2)> YamlElixir.read_from_string yaml
{:ok, %{"a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => "nil"}}

Parsing a file

iex(1)> path = File.cwd! |> Path.join("test/fixtures/flat.yml")
iex(2)> YamlElixir.read_from_file path
{:ok, %{"a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => []}}

Support for atoms

By default, all map keys are processed as strings, as are all bareword or quoted values.

If you prefer to autodetect keys and values that begin with : as atoms, this can be accomplished by passing atoms: true as an option to any of the read_* functions.

iex(1)> yaml = """
...(1)>   a: a
...(1)>   b: 1
...(1)>   c: true
...(1)>   d: ~
...(1)>   e: nil,
...(1)>   :f: :atom
...(1)> """
"  a: a\n  b: 1\n  c: true\n  d: ~\n  e: nil\n"
iex(2)> YamlElixir.read_from_string yaml, atoms: true
{:ok, %{:f => :atom, "a" => "a", "b" => 1, "c" => true, "d" => nil, "e" => "nil"}}

Atoms are not garbage collected by BEAM, so be careful with this option, and don't use it with user-supplied input.

If you enable autodetection of atoms, any string values entered (e.g. ":not_really_an_atom") will be converted to atoms, as well. If you only need to support a few atom values, it might be better to enable yamerl's custom tag for atoms:

:yamerl_app.set_param(:node_mods, [:yamerl_node_erlang_atom])

and then using the somewhat inconvenient syntax for it:

atom_key: !<tag:yamerl,2012:atom> atom_value

Elixir Sigil

The YamlElixir.Sigil module provides the ~y sigil that can be useful for example for keeping short configurations or other inlined yaml.

import YamlElixir.Sigil

@config ~y"""
debug: false
port:  9200
  - some/file.csv
  - another/file.csv

Use the a sigil modifier to turn on atom values from yaml:

~y":answer: yes"a

You can find more examples in test directory.

Mix tasks

Sometimes, you may want to use yaml_elixir in your mix tasks. To do that, you must ensure that the application has started.


After that, you will be able to use yaml-elixir in your mix tasks.


In case of any problems or suggestions do not hesitate and create a pull request.
