A clean, minimalistic, easy-to-use and highly customizable pin lock custom view for Android.
This library allows you to implement a pin lock mechanism in your app easily and quickly. There are plenty of customization options available to change the look-and-feel of this view to match your app's theme.
You can also use it as a dial pad to dial numbers. There are several other use cases of this library and is not restricted to only pin locking.
Top level build file:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://www.jitpack.io' }
In your application build file:
implementation 'com.github.msinghal34:pinlockview:3.1.0'
Place the view in your XML layout file.
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Reference the view in code and add a listener to it.
mPinLockView = (PinLockView) findViewById(R.id.pin_lock_view);
private PinLockListener mPinLockListener = new PinLockListener() {
public Boolean onComplete(String pin) {
Log.d(TAG, "Pin complete: " + pin);
return true;
public void onEmpty() {
Log.d(TAG, "Pin empty");
public void onPinChange(int pinLength, String intermediatePin) {
Log.d(TAG, "Pin changed, new length " + pinLength + " with intermediate pin " + intermediatePin);
Reference the view in code and add a listener to it.
val mPinLockView = findViewById<PinLockView>(R.id.pin_lock_view)
mPinLockView.setPinLockListener(object : PinLockListener {
override fun onComplete(pin: String?): Boolean {
Timber.i("Pin entered: $pin")
return true
override fun onEmpty() {
Timber.i("Pin empty")
override fun onPinChange(pinLength: Int, intermediatePin: String?) {
Timber.i("Pin changed, new length: $pinLength with intermediate pin: $intermediatePin")
And that's it! Your PinLockView is ready to rock.
But the good thing is that the PinLockView
comes with a whole lot of customization options which you can use to customize the view in any way you want.
PinLockView comes bundled with an addon view, IndicatorDots
which can be optionally attached with the PinLockView to indicate pin changes visually to the user.
This view has been decoupled from the PinLockView so that you can optionally add it, if necessary. Suppose you are implementing a dial pad, then you will certainly not need this IndicatorView.
Add the view to you XML layout, generally placed above your PinLockView,
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
then find a reference to the view and attach it to the parent PinLockView,
mIndicatorDots = (IndicatorDots) findViewById(R.id.indicator_dots);
val mIndicatorDots = findViewById<IndicatorDots>(R.id.indicator_dots)
You MUST attach it to the PinLockView, otherwise it will be simply ignored.
There are several theming options available through XML attributes which you can use to completely change the look-and-feel of this view to match the theme of your app. The values shown in example are the default ones.
Customization for PinLock view
app:plv_pinLength="4" // Length of the pin
app:plv_textColor="#FFFFFF" // Color of the digits and the delete drawable
app:plv_textSize="24sp" // Font size of digits in the keypad
app:plv_buttonSize="64dp" // Size of individual keys/buttons
app:plv_buttonBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" // Keypad buttons' background color. Alpha of 0.2 is applied to color internally
app:plv_verticalSpacing="12dp" // Vertical space between the keypad buttons
app:plv_horizontalSpacing="32dp" // Horizontal space between the keypad buttons
app:plv_vibrate="true" // Whether to vibrate on key press and success/error events
app:plv_showDeleteButton="true" // Whether to show the delete button or not
app:plv_deleteButtonDrawable="@drawable/ic_delete" // Customize drawable for the delete button
app:plv_deleteButtonSize="48dp" // Size of the delete button drawable in the keypad
app:plv_showButtonPressAnimation="true" // Whether to show animation on pressing keypad button or not
Customization for Indicator Dots
app:id_emptyDotDrawable="@drawable/dot_empty" // Customize the empty dot drawable
app:id_filledDotDrawable="@drawable/dot_filled" // Customize the filled dot drawable
app:id_dotDiameter="14dp" // Diameter of the dots
app:id_dotMargin="12dp" // Margin between dots
app:id_dotColor="#FFFFFF" // Color of filled and empty dots, only applicable if custom drawables for dots are not provided
app:id_indicatorType="fixed" // Available options: "fixed", "fill" and "fillWithAnimation"
This library is quite exhaustive and offers a lot of customization options. If you find a bug or would like to improve any aspect of it, feel free to contribute with pull requests.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.