Python script calculating Elo/Glicko rating for the NHL teams in the 2015/16 regular season.
Scores retrieved from
2017 season (Elo):
2017 season (Glicko):
PIT - 1654
STL - 1634
WSH - 1625
DAL - 1605
ANA - 1591
FLA - 1574
NYR - 1572
LAK - 1571
NYI - 1570
PHI - 1567
SJS - 1566
TBL - 1560
CHI - 1557
NSH - 1545
BOS - 1529
DET - 1524
OTT - 1507
NJD - 1501
BUF - 1500
CBJ - 1500
COL - 1496
MIN - 1496
MTL - 1495
WPG - 1488
CAR - 1478
CGY - 1470
ARI - 1464
VAN - 1442
EDM - 1438
TOR - 1431
PIT - 1618
WSH - 1617
STL - 1608
DAL - 1577
ANA - 1577
FLA - 1557
NYR - 1552
LAK - 1551
NYI - 1551
TBL - 1546
SJS - 1544
CHI - 1541
PHI - 1535
BOS - 1515
NSH - 1514
DET - 1504
NJD - 1481
OTT - 1481
COL - 1480
CBJ - 1479
BUF - 1471
MIN - 1465
MTL - 1462
CAR - 1452
WPG - 1451
CGY - 1447
ARI - 1437
EDM - 1415
VAN - 1412
TOR - 1409
Lowest rated team that made the playoffs: Minnesota
Highest rated team that did not make the playoffs: Boston
Glicko RDs are all in the 53.5 - 56.5 range
Both systems 'predicted' playoffs outcomes with the same accuracy - 10/15 series correct (using regular season ratings, not updating based on playoff scores). San Jose was the most surprising, they defeated higher rated teams twice (LAK & STL).
Glicko period was set to 4 days, otherwise it'd react to changes too slowly. This is much shorter than recommended period (should be 5-10 games), but our sample size is small (82 games).
Script arguments:
- rating: Glicko or Elo
- --tau: tau system parameter for Glicko2 (recommended range 0.3-1.2, the lower values prevent big volatility changes)
- --period_days: day per rating period, Glicko2.
- --graph: output a SVG rating graph for a given team (e.g. --graph SJS for San Jose)
- --verbose: verbose logging
- --year: yyyy to generate results from given season (2016 = 2015/2016 by default)