
Animation component for A-Frame using anime.js.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Currently depends on 0.3.0 or the master branch of A-Frame.

An animation component for A-Frame using anime.js.



A-Frame has an <a-animation> API out of the box. Why build a component version?

  • Imperative Ergonomics: Imperatively set animations and all of its properties with a single setAttribute call. With <a-animation>, we must do createElement, multiple setAttributes, appendChild, and addEventListener('loaded').
  • Synchronous: Setting a component is synchronous, meaning it takes effect immediately. With <a-animation>, we must wait for it to append to the DOM and register a callback listener.
  • Consistency with the Framework: The animation component fits into A-Frame's entity-component-system framework. The <a-animation> tag is the only outlier in which we must use a DOM element to modify an entity.
  • Simpler API: The animation component uses anime.js, a popular and simple JavaScript animation library. <a-animation>'s API is loosely based off of Web Animations draft specification which is overly complex.
  • Easier Maintenance: The animation component uses A-Frame's component API as well as anime.js. <a-animation> uses the Custom Element polyfill directly with tween.js. anime.js's features makes the animation codebase much slimmer (140 vs 550 lines of code).
  • Features: The animation component has the features of the newly popular anime.js library (e.g., color interpolation).
  • Faster Development: Being detached from the A-Frame core library means faster iteration of features. Due to being easier to maintain, having more features, and not being tied to A-Frame versions, we can add things quickly such as timeline support.


Component Name

Base name is animation. Although we can attach multiple animations to one entity by name-spacing the component with double underscores (__):

<a-entity animation="property: rotation"
          animation__2="property: position"
          animation__color="property: material.color"></a-entity>


Property Description Default Value Values
delay How long (milliseconds) to wait before starting. 0
direction Which direction to go from from to to. normal alternate, reverse
duration How long (milliseconds) each cycle of the animation is. 1000
easing Easing function of animation. To ease in, ease out, ease in and out. easeInQuad See easings
elasticity How much to bounce (higher is stronger). 400
loop Whether to repeat animation indefinitely. false
property Property to animate. Can be a component name, a dot-delimited property of a component (e.g., material.color), or a plain attribute.
round Whether to round values. false


Choose one type from the Type column, and combine it with one function from the Function column. For example: easeInOutElastic. The only exception is linear which stands on its own.

Type Function
easeIn Quad
easeOut Cubic
easeInOut Quart


Property Description
animationstart Animation started.
animationend Animation ended.



Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://rawgit.com/ngokevin/aframe-animation-component/master/dist/aframe-animation-component.min.js"></script>

    <a-cylinder color="#F55" radius="0.1"
                animation="property: color; direction: alternate; duration: 1000;
                           easing: easeInSine; loop: true; to: #5F5"
                animation__scale="property: scale; direction: alternate; duration: 200;
                           easing: easeInSine; loop: true; to: 1.2 1 1.2"
                animation__yoyo="property: position; direction: alternate; duration: 1000;
                                 easing: easeInSine; loop: true; to: 0 2 0">


Install via npm:

npm install aframe-animation-component

Then register and use.
