
Import Frog Shaders into AFrame

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Import Frog Shaders into AFrame (Inspired by (bryik): https://bl.ocks.org/bryik/33590d2cc9f712bd4bb040941e6efe22)


Using New Composed Shader by entropy found here: http://shaderfrog.com/app/view/1068 alt tag


Add the aframe-shader-frog.js as a javascript file: <script src="/js/aframe-shader-frog.js"></script>

Or simply add reference to the file, keep in mind this file will likely change and be updated: <script src="https://rawgit.com/msj121/aframeFrogShaders/master/aframe-shader-frog.js"></script>

Now use it in your scene: <a-sphere shader-frog="src:url(<shader url>.json)"></a-sphere> You will need to upload this file to your server or access the json that you can save from shaderfrog.com