
bash code to calculate the standard passwords from your ISP router

Primary LanguageHTML


THIS code is ONLY for self-protection! Use it to test if your Router is involved in this problem! Keep in mind to change your passwords!


The standard password for the WiFi on a Speedport device is calculated. (on many other ISP too but this code is only to understand how the calculation works on the Speedport atm!) They used an calculation with the SSID the MAC-Adress and the serielnumber to generate a password. A list of calculations can be found here: https://www.zebradem.com/wiki/index.php?title=Router_Standardpassw%C3%B6rter


The first code was wrote on a Linux bash so you have to use Linux to run the Code. The code takes use of nmlci. A network managing tool. If you dont have it you need to install it. The second verison of the code is written in PHP. You can Setup a own Webapp with the code. But the Webapp ist only to generate a passwordfile.

Where the magic happens

The code is very simple. Primary it just calculates the password out of MAC and SSID and 3 unknown numers 0-9. The code generates every optional password with this 3 unkown numers X Y Z and wrote it in a file. This is the generated passwordfile. It can be used from Programms like aircrack-ng because one of the passwords in this file is totaly shure the right password. (If it wasnt changed since the installing). But the code also trys to find the right one by its own. It generates a bash code to try a connection.

Looks like this:

    nmcli -t 5 device wifi con WLAN-DBMP6D password SP-60DFC0190

It just takes the Information from the SSID and the MAC and the generated password and tries to connect. After 5sec of trying and not connecting it kills hisself and try the next password.


Only use this on your own network! Hack other networks is illegal!