An open source frontend application built using the React ⚛️ and Feature-Sliced Design 🍰.
This app is a work in progress. See the roadmap below.
- React, Redux Toolkit, React Hook Form, Zod
- Vite, TypeScript, Postcss
- Feature Sliced
Right now, I'm using this project as an experiment polygon to try modern technologies and see how a can see frontend application in {CURRENT_YEAR}. This project structure combines clean architecture and feature sliced methodology.
- Fully Typed (API adapters, catched error with type guards, form and env variables validators by
) - Developing by Feature Sliced Design (Layers isolation and composition, Public API, DDD)
- Fully API emulation with
(all enpoints with JWT authorization) - Storybook stories
- Best practice comments in code ✅
App logic:
- Add droduct page
- Add ecom cart logic
- Add ecom order logic
- Add stock logic (available of products)
- CSS Modules → Tailwind CSS
- Redux Toolkit Query → React Query
- Redux Toolkit → Zustand
- Vite → NextJS in SPA mode
- Move colors to css vars
- Fix TODO into code
- Fix FSD errors
- Write storybook stories
- Write article to my blog about main concepts
- Add Dark theme
- Add I18n
- Add FSD public API pattern
- Write screenshot tests for stories
- Write Integration tests for user's use cases
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Copy
cp .env.example .env.local
- Start Vite development server
npm start
or start Storybook stand
npm run storybook
Licensed under the MIT license.